guess | you’ve got another ~ coming, kalau kamu fikir saya akan meluangkan masa lagi utk memikirkan perkara ini, tekalah lagi; hazard a ~, cuba meneka: I don’t know what time he’ll be here but I could hazard a ~, saya tdk tahu pukul berapa dia akan sampai, tetapi saya boleh cuba meneka; make a ~, cuba teka; my ~ is..., agak-agak saya: my ~ is she has gone to her in-laws’, agak-agak saya dia ke rumah mentuanya; take a ~, meneka; wild ~, serkap jarang; your ~ is as good as mine, saya sendiri pun tak tahu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appreciable | adjagak /jelas, ketara, nyata/: an ~ drop in sales, kejatuhan hasil jualan yg agak jelas; there has been no ~ change in the state of the economy, tdk terdapat perubahan yg agak ketara dlm keadaan ekonomi; an ~ loss of confidence in the management, hilangnya kepercayaan dgn agak nyata thdp pihak pengurusan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hesitate | vi 1. waver, be undecided, teragak-agak: I ~d about what to do next, saya teragak-agak ttg apa yg hendak dibuat selanjutnya; she does not ~ to sacrifice other people to get what she wants, dia tdk teragak-agak mengorbankan orang lain demi mendapatkan apa yg dikehendakinya; 2. be reluctant, berasa berat: I ~ to ask you this, but I have to, saya berasa berat utk bertanya pd kamu ttg perkara ini, tetapi saya terpaksa; 3. pause, hold back, teragak-agak, tertegun-tegun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
halt 2 | vi 1. walk hesitatingly, berjalan teragak-agak; 2. hesitate, waver, teragak-agak: to ~ between two opposite opinions, teragak-agak antara dua pendapat yg bertentangan; 3. (archaic) be lame, tempang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bit1 | 4. (colloq) somewhat, sikit, agak: the sauce is a ~ thick, sos itu agak pekat; she felt a ~ better after a rest, dia berasa sihat sikit selepas berehat; she looked a ~ sad, dia kelihatan agak sedih; 5. (colloq) see BIT PART; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amount | a /considerable, fair, certain/ ~, agak banyak; (of respect, prejudice, etc), [not translated]: there was a fair ~ of food left over, makanan yg berlebihan masih agak banyak; they ran into a considerable ~ of resistance, mereka menghadapi tentangan yang agak banyak; at that time, there was still a considerable ~ of prejudice against women employees, pd masa itu masih terdapat prasangka thdp pekerja-pekerja wanita; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hesitation | n 1. act of wavering, being undecided, teragak-agak: they agreed without the slightest ~, mereka bersetuju tanpa teragak-agak sedikit pun; 2. reluctance, rasa berat: he agreed to lend me the book with some ~, dgn rasa berat dia bersetuju meminjamkan saya buku itu; 3. act of pausing, holding back, perbuatan yg /teragak-agak, tertegun-tegun/: his ~ in picking up the phone was obvious to everyone, perbuatannya yg teragak-agak ketika mengangkat telefon jelas pd semua orang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
darkish | adj agak gelap: a ~, deep red, merah tua yg agak gelap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bats | adj agak miring, kurang siuman, tiga suku; go ~, menjadi /agak miring, kurang siuman, tiga suku/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
half-inclined | adj agak cenderung: I’m ~ to believe you, saya agak cenderung utk mempercayai saudara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |