darkish | adj agak gelap: a ~, deep red, merah tua yg agak gelap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shadowy | adj 1. (dark with shadows) agak gelap, kelam; (full of shade) teduh, redup: they had to walk along a ~ corridor, mereka terpaksa berjalan di koridor yg agak gelap; a ~ grove, kawasan pokok yg teduh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leaden | adj 1. heavy, dull, a. (of heart) pilu, sedih: with a ~ heart, dgn hati yg pilu; b. (of atmosphere, mood) muram, suram: the mood in the room was ~, suasana dlm bilik itu muram; 2. sluggish, spiritless, a. (of pace, step) berat: the prisoner’s ~ steps could be heard in the distance, bunyi langkah yg berat tawanan itu dapat didengar dr jauh; b. (of conversation, speech, etc) lembap: the discussion was rather ~ and not particularly interesting, perbincangan itu agak lembap dan tdk begitu menarik; 3. dull, dark, gelap: ~ skies and sea, langit dan laut yg gelap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leaden | adj 1. heavy, dull, a. (of heart) pilu, sedih: with a ~ heart, dgn hati yg pilu; b. (of atmosphere, mood) muram, suram: the mood in the room was ~, suasana dlm bilik itu muram; 2. sluggish, spiritless, a. (of pace, step) berat: the prisoner’s ~ steps could be heard in the distance, bunyi langkah yg berat tawanan itu dapat didengar dr jauh; b. (of conversation, speech, etc) lembap: the discussion was rather ~ and not particularly interesting, perbincangan itu agak lembap dan tdk begitu menarik; 3. dull, dark, gelap: ~ skies and sea, langit dan laut yg gelap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |