back-bencher | n ahli parlimen (biasa); government ~s, penyokong kerajaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
back-bench | n kerusi ahli parlimen (biasa). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accountable | adj bertanggungjawab: a Member of Parliament is ~ to his constituents, seseorang Ahli Parlimen bertanggungjawab kpd penduduk-penduduk di kawasan pilihanrayanya; hold so. ~ (for st) menganggap sso bertanggungjawab (thdp sst). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extreme | n (often in pl) 1. either of two limits that is as far apart or different from each other, (approp n) yg bertentangan; (of temperature) tinggi rendah [suhu] yg melampau: Members of Parliament who represent political ~s, Ahli-Ahli Parlimen yg mewakili faham politik yg bertentangan; the ~s of joy and sadness, kebahagian dan kesedihan yg bertentangan; he found it difficult to get used to the ~s of temperature, dia mendapati sukar utk membiasakan diri dgn tinggi rendah suhu yg melampau; 2. greatest degree, [sst] yg /keterlaluan, melampau/: the ~s of fashion, fesyen yg keterlaluan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
investigation | n penyiasatan, penyelidikan; (of crime) penyiasatan: several Members of Parliament called for a full ~ into the matter, beberapa orang Ahli Parlimen menuntut supaya penyiasatan lengkap ttg perkara itu diadakan; be under ~, sedang /disiasat, diselidik/; (of person) sedang disiasat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
caricature | n karikatur: he used ~ in his writings, dia menggunakan karikatur dlm tulisannya; a ~ of the new member of parliament, karikatur ahli parlimen yg baru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attack | n 1. physical assault, serangan: the Japanese ~ on Pearl Harbour, serangan Jepun ke atas Pearl Harbour; an ~ on so’s life, serangan ke atas diri sso; they made several ~s on the enemy stronghold, mereka melakukan beberapa serangan ke atas kubu pihak musuh; come under ~, diserang; 2. adverse criticism, a. (of so.) serangan, bidasan: the ~ against the Member of Parliment, bidasan thdp Ahli Parlimen; b. (of st) bidasan, serangan, kritikan yg hebat: to defend o’s work against the ~s of the critics, mempertahankan karya sso drpd bidasan pengkritik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
for | prep 1. intended to be given to, come into the possession of, be used by, etc, untuk: there’s a telegram ~ you on the table, ada telegram untukmu di atas meja; they’ve bought some furniture ~ their new house, mereka telah membeli perabot untuk rumah baru mereka; these biscuits are~ the guests, biskut ini untuk tamu kita; 2. representing, in place of, untuk; (as sign of) bererti, tanda; (as agent, representative, etc of) bagi, [or not translated]: M ~ Muhammad, M untuk Muhammad; red ~ danger, merah tanda bahaya; the Member of Parliament ~ Jelutong, Ahli Parlimen kawasan Jelutong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enter | vt 1. come or go into,masuk ke, memasuki: he ~ed the house by the window, dia masuk ke rumah itu melalui tingkap; 2. penetrate,masuk ke dlm, menembusi: the bullet ~ed his body through the left shoulder, peluru itu masuk ke dlm badannya pd bahu kirinya; 3. become a member of or become involved in, masuk: he ~ed the army at 17, dia masuk tentera ketika berumur 17 tahun; he is to ~ business after finishing school, dia akan masuk bidang perniagaan selepas tamat sekolah; ~ the church, menjadi paderi; ~ Parliament, menjadi ahli Parlimen; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
able | adj berkebolehan; (in a given skill) mahir: an ~ politician, seorang ahli politik yg berkebolehan; one of the more ~ students in the class, salah seorang penuntut yg lebih berkebolehan dlm darjahnya; an ~ carpenter, tukang kayu yg mahir; be ~ to, a. (gen) dapat, boleh: be ~ to speak four languages, dapat bertutur dlm empat bahasa; be ~ to walk, dapat berjalan; b. have right, power, etc to, boleh: only Parliament is ~ to make laws, hanya Parlimen yg boleh menggubal undang-undang; c. have financial means to, mampu, dapat: she was ~ to pay the rent, dia mampu membayar sewa itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |