adhere | ~ to, a. (idea, decision, demand, etc) tdk berganjak drpd, berpegang teguh pd: to ~ to o’s opinion, tdk berganjak drpd pendapat sso; b. (cause, doctrine, religion, etc) berpegang teguh pd, taat kpd: ~ to the teachings of Islam, berpegang teguh pd ajaran-ajaran Islam; c. (rule, instruction, plan, etc) berpegang teguh pd, mematuhi: he ~s to the party line, dia berpegang teguh pd pendirian parti; d. (agreement, promise, treaty, etc) berpegang teguh pd, menepati, mematuhi: to ~ to a treaty, berpegang teguh pd persetiaan; e. (person, organization) /setia, taat/ kpd: to ~ to a political party, setia kpd sst parti politik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
biblical | adj 1. of, concerning the Bible, kitab Bible: ~ scholar, sarjana kitab Bible; ~ studies, kajian-kajian ttg kitab Bible; 2. contained in the Bible, dlm kitab Bible: ~ names, nama-nama dlm kitab Bible; ~ teachings, ajaran-ajaran dlm kitab Bible; 3. resembling the language of the Bible, bahasa kitab Bible: ~ styles in writing, penulisan dgn gaya bahasa kitab Bible. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apostolic | adj 1. of, rel to the Apostles, hawariun: ~ teachings, ajaran hawariun; 2. of, rel to the Pope, paus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
f ollow | 12. trace, mengikuti: we can ~ the development of Dutch influence in the East Indies through the annual VOC reports, kita boleh mengikuti perkembangan pengaruh Belanda di Hindia Timur melalui laporan tahunan VOC; 13. adhere to, menganut, mengikut: he ~s the teachings of Buddha, dia menganut ajaran Buddha; 14. pursue (profession) menjadi, bekerja sbg: she decided to ~ an academic career, dia membuat keputusan utk menjadi ahli akademik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
instruction | n 1. (usu in pl) direction, order, arahan: we await your ~s, kami menunggu arahan tuan; he acted in accordance with the ~s given him, dia bertindak mengikut arahan yg diberikan kepadanya; 2. (computer technology) command, arahan; 3. (in pl) detailed information on how to use or do st, arahan: you must read the ~s carefully, kamu mesti membaca arahan itu betul-betul; ~ book, buku arahan; 4. a. process of teaching, pengajaran; b. teaching given, ajaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |