description | n 1. act of, a. (portraying in words) penggambaran, menggambarkan, pemerian, memerikan; b. (giving an account); penerangan, menerangkan; c. (math), (drawing) pelukisan, melukiskan; 2. statement that describes, gambaran: a ~ of the wanted man was printed on the front page of the newspapers, gambaran orang yg dikehendaki polis itu disiarkan pd muka hadapan akhbar-akhbar; to give a ~ of life in the kampong, memberikan gambaran kehidupan di kampung; 3. sort, kind, jenis: criminals of the worst ~, jenis penjenayah yg paling dahsyat; motorcars of every ~, segala jenis motokar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
journal | n 1. newspaper, akhbar, surat khabar; 2. magazine devoted to particular field, profession, etc, jurnal: scientific ~s, jurnal sains; 3. diary, buku harian; 4. (bookkeeping) jurnal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
daily | n 1. newspaper, /akhbar, surat khabar/ harian; 2. (colloq ) charwoman, pembantu rumah harian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interview | n 1. formal discussion (between applicant for a job, scholarship, etc and employer etc) temu duga: 60 applicants turned up for the ~, 60 pemohon datang utk menghadiri temu duga itu; 2. conversation between journalist and person whose views are sought, temu bual, temu ramah, wawancara; (in published form) wawancara; (press conference) sidang akhbar: The Vice-Chancellor said in an ~ that..., dlm temu bual itu, Naib Canselor berkata bahawa...; the President invited the press to an ~, Presiden tersebut menjemput para wartawan menghadiri sidang akhbar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
freedom | n 1. (liberty) kebebasan; (political independence) kemerdekaan: the ~ of the press, kebebasan akhbar; ~ of speech, kebebasan bercakap; the children of today demand more ~, anak-anak hari ini menuntut kebebasan yg lebih banyak; she had complete ~ to come and go as she pleased, dia mempunyai kebebasan sepenuhnya utk datang dan pergi sesuka hati; they fought for the ~ of their country, mereka berjuang utk kemerdekaan negara mereka; 2. a. being without (pain, suffering, hunger, etc) kebebasan, membebaskan [sso drpd sst]; b. exemption (from taxation) kebebasan; 3. unrestricted use of, kebebasan (+ approp v): I gave him the ~ of my house, saya memberinya kebebasan keluar masuk rumah saya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clipping | n 1. (of nail) keratan (kuku); 2. (of newspaper) /guntingan, potongan, keratan/ (akhbar). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cartoon | n 1. (drawing), (lukisan) kartun: Lat’s ~s are published in the newspapers, kartun-kartun Lat disiarkan dlm akhbar; 2. (film), (filem) kartun: Walt Disney’s ~s, kartun Walt Disney. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gag 1 | n 1. st stuffed into mouth to prevent speech etc, /sumbat, penyumbat/ mulut: the bandits used handkerchiefs as ~s, penjahat-penjahat itu menggunakan sapu tangan sbg sumbat mulut; 2. st tied across mouth to prevent speech etc, pengikat mulut; put a ~ on, place restraint on free speech, menyekat (kebebasan bercakap): it put a ~ on the left-wing newspaper, tindakan itu menyekat kebebasan bercakap akhbar sayap kiri itu; 3. (surg) gag; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bit1 | n 1. small quantity, amount, portion, a little, sedikit: a ~ of pudding, sedikit puding; to put away a ~ (of money) every month, menyimpan (wang) sedikit setiap bulan; she hasn’t changed a ~, dia tdk berubah sedikit pun; to give so. a ~ of advice, memberi sso sedikit nasihat; 2. piece, a. (gen) cebis(an) (+ approp n): ~s of paper, cebisan-cebisan kertas; ~s of wood, cebis-cebis kayu; interesting ~s in the newspaper, cebisan-cebisan berita yg menarik dlm akhbar; b. (as a result of being shattered) serpih(an): ~s of broken glass, serpihan-serpihan kaca; c. (usu in pl), (leftover from st) reja, lebihan: we can make a dish from the ~s of left over food, kita dapat membuat sejenis masakan drpd lebihan makanan itu; d. (of land) selebar kangkang kera: a house with a ~ of land, sebuah rumah dgn kawasan keliling yg selebar kangkang kera; 3. (rel to time or distance) sedikit: he must rest a ~ longer, dia mesti berehat lebih lama sedikit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
count 1 | n 1. act of counting, pengiraan, penghitungan: after the first ~ he knew he had won, selepas pengiraan pertama, dia tahu dia telah menang; by my ~, eleven of the chicks have already died, mengikut pengiraan saya sebelas ekor anak ayam itu talah mati; bon a ~ of /three, five, etc/ selepas sso mengira /tiga, lima, dll/: on a ~ of three, I want everyone to stand up, selepas saya mengira tiga, saya mahu semua orang bangun; 2. level, kiraan: his blood ~ was low, kiraan sel darahnya rendah; 3. figure, angka: the official ~ was 102 but the newspaper claimed that at least 300 people had died, angka rasmi ialah 102 tetapi akhbar itu mendakwa bahawa sekurang-kurangnya 300 orang telah terkorban; 4. (boxing) mengira; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |