afterworld | n akhirat, alam baka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
future life, future state | n hari /akhirat, kemudian/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
other | he lives on the ~ side of town, dia tinggal di sebelah sana bandar; ~ things being equal, kalau semua hal yg lain /sama, tdk berubah/; the ~ world, alam baqa, akhirat; the ~ woman, perempuan yg lagi satu; among ~s, antara orang yg + approp v: the plan is supported by the chairman and the secretary, among ~s, antara orang yg menyokong rancangan itu ialah pengerusi dan setiausaha; Smith was there, among ~s, antara orang yg hadir ialah Encik Smith; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eternity | n 1. time without end, kehidupan (yg) abadi, hidup selama-lamanya: religions that promised ~, agama-agama yg menjanjikan kita kehidupan yg abadi; for all ~, selama-lamanya; 2. state or time of life after death, akhirat; 3. (colloq) seemingly endless period, menahun (lamanya): he kept me waiting for an ~, dia biarkan saya tunggu menahun lamanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
world | the ~ over, di /serata, seluruh, seantero/ dunia: children the ~ over behave the same way, kanak-kanak di serata dunia berkelakuan sama saja; the best of both ~s, /faedah, untung/ dr kedua-dua situasi: she seems to enjoy the best of both ~s, nampaknya dia menikmati faedah dr kedua-dua situasi; the end of the ~, kiamat; the /next, other/ ~, the ~ to come, akhirat; the (person of specified type) of this ~, yg + approp adj dlm dunia ini: the brave of this ~, orang yg berani dlm dunia ini; there is a ~ of difference, memang jauh bezanya: there is a ~ of difference between him and his brother, memang jauh bezanya antara dia dgn abangnya; what will the ~ say, apa kata orang; wouldn’t do (st) for the ~, (colloq) tak sekali-kali: I would not hurt him for the ~, saya tak sekali-kali akan melukai hatinya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |