aftermath | n 1. consequences, akibat: the ~ of a nuclear explosion, akibat letupan nuklear; 2. aftergrass, taruk baru. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
causal | adj 1. of cause and effect, sebab (dan) akibat: a ~ connection, kaitan sebab akibat; 2. involving a cause, bersebab: a ~ condition, keadaan bersebab. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drunken | adj 1. drunk, mabuk: the ~ sailor, kelasi yg mabuk; 2. caused by alcoholic intoxication, akibat mabuk: ~ stupor, keadaan hampir tdk sedar akibat mabuk; 3. characterized by drunkenness, (spt) orang mabuk: ~ manner, gaya orang mabuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
back-wash | n 1. (of boat, etc) olak buri: the ~ of a motorboat, olak buri motobot; 2. aftermath, akibat: problems that are the ~ of war, masalah-masalah yg merupakan akibat peperangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
convulsive | adj 1. accompanied by convulsion, disertai konvulsi: epilepsy is a ~ disease, epilepsi ialah penyakit yg disertai konvulsi; 2. having the nature of a convulsion, terkejang-kejang; (tech) akibat konvulsi: ~ movements of the limbs, gerakan anggota akibat konvulsi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
effect | n 1. result, a. (gen) kesan: the drug has a strong ~, ubat itu membawa kesan yg kuat; the ~ of light on plants, kesan cahaya thdp tumbuh-tumbuhan; b. (adverse) akibat: the ~s of an earthquake, akibat gempa bumi; c. (indirect) influence, pengaruh: the ~ of rain on plant growth, pengaruh hujan thdp pertumbuhan pokok; 2. impression, kesan: the colours produce a fascinating ~, warna-warna itu menimbulkan kesan yg amat menarik; sound ~s, kesan bunyi; 3. (in pl) goods, barang-barang: household ~s, barang-barang rumah; personal ~s, barang-barang peribadi; 4. (phys) kesan: Doppler ~, kesan Doppler; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
injure | vt 1. hurt, do harm to, a. (act.) mencederakan, menyebabkan [sso, sst] cedera, cedera; (os, part of body, etc) cedera: the blow did not ~ him, pukulan itu tdk mencederakannya or dia tdk cedera akibat pukulan itu; if you fall, you’ll only ~ yourself, kalau kamu jatuh, kamu akan cedera; she ~d her foot in the accident, kakinya cedera dlm kemalangan itu; b. (pass.) cedera: many people were ~d by flying shrapnel, ramai orang yg cedera akibat terkena serpihan bom yg melayang; 2. offend, melukakan, menyakitkan, menyakiti: his unkind words ~d my feelings, bahasanya yg kesat itu menyakitkan hati saya; to ~ so’s pride, melukakan hati sso; 3. impair, damage, merosakkan, mencemarkan: the scandal ~d his reputation, skandal itu mencemarkan nama baiknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
desolate | vt 1. depopulate, (act.), (hampir) memupuskan penduduk; (pass.) penduduk (hampir) pupus, hampir pupus penduduknya: the plague had ~d the village, wabak penyakit hampir memupuskan penduduk di kampung itu; a country ~d by civil wars, negara yg hampir pupus penduduknya akibat perang saudara; 2. devastate, (act.) memusnahkan, membinasakan; (pass.) musnah, binasa: the city has been ~d by persistent bombardment, bandar raya itu musnah akibat pengeboman yg berterusan; 3. make forlorn, (act.) membuat [sso] /kesepian, berasa sepi/; (pass.) kesepian, berasa sepi: he was utterly ~d by his son’s death, dia kesepian disebabkan kematian anaknya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corollary | n 1. natural outcome, ekoran, akibat: misery is the ~ of war, penderitaan adalah ekoran drpd peperangan; 2. immediate deduction, inference, natijah, kesimpulan: a ~ of the previous proposition satu natijah drpd usul terdahulu; 3. (math) korolari. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
consequence | n 1. result of some previous occurrence, akibat: one of the ~s was loss of confidence in the party, salah satu akibatnya ialah hilangnya keyakinan thdp parti itu; /suffer, take/ the ~s, menerima akibatnya; 2. importance or significance, kepentingan: a matter of international ~, perkara yg mempunyai kepentingan antarabangsa; of great etc ~, amat /penting, mustahak/; of little ~, tdk /penting, mustahak/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |