instrument | n 1. tool, alat; (a group of this) peralatan, alat-alat: surgical ~s, peralatan pembedahan; 2. object for producing musical sound, alat muzik; (used with modifier) alat: besides the guitar, he plays two other ~s, selain gitar, dia dapat memainkan dua alat muzik lain; the oboe is a wind ~, oboe ialah alat tiup; 3. measuring device, alatan: the pilot studied the panel of ~s, juruterbang itu merenung panel alatan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
implement | n tool, instrument, alat, perkakas: agricultural ~s, alat-alat pertanian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apparatus | n 1. equipment, alat, perkakas; (tech) alat: the camera crew set up their ~ in the studio, pekerja kamera memasang alat-alat mereka di studio; sports ~, perkakas sukan; breathing ~, radas pernafasan; Golgi ~, radas Golgi; 2. (anat) radas, alat: digestive ~, radas pencernaan; 3. organization, system, sistem: the administrative ~ of the government, sistem pentadbiran kerajaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
auxiliary | adj 1. supplementary, additional, tambahan: ~ instruments, alat-alat tambahan; ~ cathode, katod tambahan; ~ voltage, voltan tambahan; 2. supporting, tambahan: ~ troops, pasukan tambahan; 3. held in reserve, simpanan: we carried an ~ engine on the boat, kami membawa sebuah enjin simpanan dlm bot; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
efficiency | n efisiennya; (of human) kecekapan: the ~ of the equipment used, efisiennya alat-alat yg digunakan; the ~ of the workers, kecekapan pekerja-pekerja; with ~, dgn cekapnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
electric | n (in pl) 1. electric circuit, litar elektrik; 2. electric appliances, alat-alat elektrik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delicate | 8. (of smell) lembut: a ~ aroma, bau yg lembut; 9. extremely accurate, precise, sensitive, peka: ~ instruments, alat-alat yg peka; 10. requiring skilful or careful treatment, handling, etc, a. (of surgery, test, etc) rumit (pengendaliannya): a ~ eye operation, pembedahan mata yg rumit pengendaliannya; ~ tests, ujian-ujian yg rumit pengendaliannya; b. (of situation, subject, relationship, etc) perlu dikendalikan dgn bijaksana: a ~ affair, perkara yg perlu dikendalikan dgn bijaksana; the ~ balance of power, imbangan kuasa yg perlu dikendalikan dgn bijaksana; ~ diplomatic relationships, hubungan diplomatik yg perlu dikendalikan dgn bijaksana; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
domestic | adj 1. of the home, rumah; (of electricity, water supply, etc) ke rumah: ~ chores, kerja-kerja rumah; ~ gadgets, alat-alat rumah; chemicals for ~ use, bahan kimia utk kegunaan rumah; different rates are fixed for ~ water supply, kadar bayaran yg berlainan dikenakan utk bekalan air ke rumah; 2. connected with family, rumah tangga: ~ problems, masalah rumah tangga; ~ responsibilities, tanggungjawab rumah tangga; 3. fond of home life, suka kehidupan di rumah; 4. of the home country, dlm negeri: for ~ consumption, utk kegunaan dlm negeri; ~ airline, syarikat penerbangan dlm negeri; the government’s ~ policies, dasar dlm negeri kerajaan; 5. (of animal) bela jinak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fit1 | ~ st /out, up /, melengkapkan sst: they ~ted the boat out for the expedition, mereka melengkapkan bot itu utk ekspedisi; the car was ~ted out with the latest gadgets, kereta itu dilengkapkan dgn alat-alat terbaru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accessory | n (usu in pl) 1. supplementary device or object, alat tambahan, aksesori: spare parts and accessories, alat gantian dan alat tambahan; 2. accompanying item of dress, hiasan tambahan, aksesori: scarves, belts and other accessories, skaf, tali pinggang dan hiasan tambahan lainnya; 3. also accessary (leg.) peserta. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |