Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : Jw tanah lapang di muka keraton (istana) atau kabupaten. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata alun-alun


Ambil kerusi dalam puan,
     Alun-alun tepi jeraya;
Sampai hati kakanda tuan,
     Dibuang lalu kepada saya.

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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

corrugatedadj ridged, berombak(-ombak), beralun-alun: ~ surface, permukaan beralun-alun.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flutter4. wave rapidly and irregularly, beralun-alun sedikit; (of flame) bergedik-gedik; (of leaf) bergetar-getar: the flags of the member countries ~ed in the gentle breeze, bendera-bendera negara anggota beralun-alun sedikit ditiup angin sepoi-sepoi; as the bus accelerated, the edge of the curtain at the open window began to ~, apabila bas memecut, bahagian tepi langsir tingkap yg terbuka itu mula bergetar-getar; 5. palpitate, berdebar-debar: her heart ~ed at the sight of him, hatinya berdebar-debar melihat lelaki itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
corrugatevi bend into ridges, menjadi /berombak(-ombak), beralun-alun/: the road surface has ~d with use, permukaan jalan itu menjadi berombak-ombak krn kerap digunakan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
corrugatevt form ridges in, mengombakkan, menjadikan [sst] /berombak(-ombak), beralun-alun/: earth movements ~d the flat land, pergerakan bumi mengombakkan tanah rata itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
beachcombern 1. (person), /gelandangan, petualang/ di pantai, kutu pantai; 2. (wave), /gelombang, ombak/ yg mengalun ke pantai, alun.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
heavevi 1. rise and fall regularly, a. (of chest, shoulders, etc) turun naik: her bosom was still heaving with emotion, dadanya masih turun naik menahan perasaan; b. (of waves, the sea, etc) beralun-alun, berombak-ombak: the water ~d as though a submarine explosion had taken place, air itu beralun-alun seolah-olah letupan kapal selam telah berlaku; c. (of ship, boat) terlambung-lambung: the ship was heav__ing in the heavy seas, kapal itu terlambung-lambung di laut yg bergelora; 2. ret, mual, loya: his stomach ~s at the sight of blood, perutnya mual apabila melihat darah; 3. pant, terengah-engah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
draperyn 1. (UK) a. trade of draper, perniagaan kain; b. cloth, fabric, kain, tekstil; 2. (often in pl) a. cloth, hangings arranged in folds, gantungan kain yg beralun: the stage was decorated with draperies, pentas itu dihiasi gantungan kain yg beralun; b. clothing worn in graceful folds, baju yg beralun-alun: as she stood up, the wind fluttered her draperies, sewaktu dia berdiri, bajunya yg beralun-alun itu terkibar-kibar ditiup angin; 3. (in pl) thick curtains, tabir, langsir.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fold1n 1. folded part or layer, lipatan: how many ~s can you make in this piece of paper?, berapa lipatan yg boleh kamu buat dgn kertas ini?; 2. line, hollow etc made by folding, lipatan; (of skin) pelipat: the letter was hidden in the ~s of her skirt, surat itu disembunyikan dlm lipatan skirtnya; /fall, hang, etc/ in ~s, beralun-alun: the dress fell in ~s to the floor, bajunya beralun-alun labuh hingga mencecah lantai; 3. hollow in hill, mountain, etc, lekuk: farmhouses hidden away in the ~s of the Pennine Hills, rumah-rumah petani yg tersorok dlm lekuk-lekuk Bukit Pennine; 4. (geol) lipatan: ~ system, sistem lipatan; ~ mountains, gunung lipat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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