estimate | n 1. calculation of the approximate amount, size, etc, anggaran: I can only give you a rough ~ of the cost, saya hanya dapat memberi kamu anggaran kasar kos itu; an ~ of the expenditure, anggaran perbelanjaan; at a rough ~, secara kasar: at a rough ~ there will be two million unemployed graduates by the end of this year, secara kasar, siswazah menganggur akan berjumlah 2 juta orang pd hujung tahun ini; 2. statement of the probable cost, anggaran: three contractors gave us three different ~s, tiga kontraktor memberi kami tiga anggaran yg berbeza; 3. judgement (about so. or st) penilaian: his ~ of our capabilities was very favourable, penilaiannya ttg kebolehan kamu sangat baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
estimate | vi membuat anggaran: I asked the mechanic to ~ for the repair of my car, saya meminta mekanik itu membuat anggaran kos membaiki kereta saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approximate | adj fairly exact, a. (attrib) lebih kurang, kira-kira; (in quantity, amount, value, etc) anggaran: the ~ distance between the two cities is 1,000 kilometres, jarak di antara kedua-dua bandar raya itu lebih kurang 1,000 kilometer; this gives an ~ idea of what is involved in producing a dictionary, ini akan lebih kurang memberikan gambaran ttg kerja-kerja yg terlibat dlm penghasilan sebuah kamus; the ~ value of the land, nilai anggaran tanah itu; can you tell me the ~ number of students in the school?, dapatkah saudara memberitahu saya anggaran jumlah murid di sekolah ini?; b. (pred) anggaran: the figures given are only ~, angka yg diberikan hanya anggaran; ~ to, lebih kurang: a sum of money ~ to what is needed, jumlah wang yg lebih kurang sebanyak yg diperlukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inexact | adj tdk tepat: an ~ estimate, anggaran yg tdk tepat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accurate | adj tepat; (of person) approp + dgn tepat: his aim was ~, bidikannya tepat; an ~ estimate of expenses, anggaran perbelanjaan yg tepat; ~ scales, dacing yg tepat; a quick and ~ typist, jurutaip yg menaip dgn cepat dan tepat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | ~ down, a. separate into component/s, dapat dibahagikan terbagi; (tech) mengurai: the budget for the project ~s down into wages, material and printing costs, anggaran belanjawan projek itu terbagi kpd gaji, perbelanjaan bahan dan kos cetak; water ~s down into hydrogen and oxygen, air mengurai menjadi hidrogen dan oksigen; b. undergo decomposition, reput, terurai: after a time, the fallen leaves and grass-cuttings will ~ down into compost, sesudah beberapa lama, daun-daun yg luruh dan keratan-keratan rumput akan reput menjadi kompos; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
estimation | n 1. opinion, pendapat, pandangan, anggapan: such policies, in my ~, will only widen the gap between the management and the union, pd pendapat saya, dasar-dasar spt itu hanya akan meluaskan jurang antara pihak pengurusan dgn kesatuan sekerja; 2. approximate calculation, anggaran: an ~ of the number of man hours it will take to complete the job, anggaran jumlah jam manusia yg akan digunakan utk menyelesaikan kerja itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approximation | n 1. process of making rough estimate, guess, etc, penganggaran: this method of ~ is widely used, kaedah penganggaran ini digunakan dgn meluas; we can only make an ~ of the distance between the two houses, kita hanya dapat membuat penganggaran ttg jarak antara kedua-dua rumah itu; 2. rough estimate, guess, etc, anggaran: such ~s are good enough for our purpose, anggaran spt itu sudah memadai bagi tujuan kita; 3. state of being, getting near, penghampiran, hampir-hampir: his account was only an ~ to the truth, laporannya itu baru hampir-hampir saja kpd yg sebenarnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conservative | adj konservatif: she is ~ in her choice of clothes, dia konservatif dlm memilih pakaiannya; a ~ man, wary of new ideas, lelaki yg konservatif yg bersikap hati-hati thdp gagasan-gagasan baru; a ~ hairstyle, potongan rambut yg konservatif; a ~ estimate, anggaran konservatif; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crucify | crude adj 1. in the raw state, mentah; (of salt) kasar: ~ opium, candu mentah; ~ rubber, getah mentah; 2. roughly made, a. (of furniture, bomb, etc) kasar buatannya: a ~, lopsided table, meja yg kasar buatannya dan tinggi sebelah; b. (of drawing, draft, etc) kasar: ~ sketches, lakaran kasar; ~ estimate, anggaran kasar; 3. simple and rough, kasar: his ~ manners, caranya yg kasar; ~ method of punishment, cara menghukum yg kasar; 4. vulgar, tdk sopan: ~ jokes, gurauan yg tdk sopan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |