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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

billowvi 1. rise, roll in billows, a. (of sea) bergelombang (besar), berombak besar: the sea ~ed restlessly, laut bergelombang tanpa henti-hentinya; b. (of smoke) berkepul-kepul, bergumpal-gumpal; 2. swell out, menggelembung, melembung: her skirt was ~ing in the wind, skirtnya menggelembung ditiup angin.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
draughtn 1. current of air coming into a room etc, angin (sejuk): they shut the door to keep the ~ from coming in, mereka menutup pintu supaya angin tdk dapat masuk; 2. continuous process of swallowing (liquid) meminum, menggogok; at a ~, sekali gogok: he could drink a tall glass of beer at a ~, dia boleh menghabiskan segelas besar bir sekali gogok; take a ~, meminum, menggogok; 3. portion of liquid to be swallowed, [not translated]: he gave the horse a ~ of water, dia memberi kuda itu air; 4. (fml or old-fashioned) dose of liquid medicine, ubat; 5. (naut) drauf; 6. (in pl), (game) permainan dam; 7. one of the flat discs used in this game, buah dam;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
breakawayn 1. failure of mechanical action, kerosakan: a ~ on the line delayed all trains, kerosakan pd landasan melambatkan perjalanan semua kereta api; any ~ of the machinery would result in heavy losses, sebarang kerosakan jentera akan menyebabkan kerugian besar; 2. collapse, a. (in communication, supply, etc) putusnya, terputusnya: the cyclone caused a ~ of communications between the island and the mainland, angin ribut menyebabkan perhubungan antara pulau itu dgn tanah besar terputus;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fillvt 1. make full, (lit. & fig.) mengisi: please ~ that bucket with water, tolong isi baldi itu dgn air; to ~ the tyre with air, mengisi tayar dgn angin; you shouldn’t ~ your head with useless facts, lebih baik jangan isi kepalamu dgn fakta-fakta yg tdk berguna; your latest article ~ed a major gap in our knowledge, makalah terbarumu mengisi lompang yg besar dlm pengetahuan kita; ~ st full, memenuhkan sst, mengisi sst hingga penuh; 2. occupy the whole of, memenuhi: smoke ~ed the theatre, asap memenuhi panggung itu; the whole house was ~ed with rock music, seluruh rumah itu dipenuhi muzik rock; laughter suddenly ~ed the room, tiba-tiba gelak kewa memenuhi ruang bilik itu; the problem ~s his mind, masalah itu memenuhi fikirannya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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