instalment , (US) installment | n 1. payment, (bayaran) ansuran: he paid off the car by monthly ~s, dia membayar hutang keretanya secara ansuran bulanan; the final ~ on the machine, bayaran ansuran terakhir mesin itu; in ten monthly ~s, bayaran ansuran bulanan sebanyak sepuluh kali; 2. any of several parts (of play, story, television programme etc) siri: the story was published in ~s, cerita itu diterbitkan dlm bentuk siri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
installment plan | n (US) skim ansuran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
payable | adj 1. that must be paid, (mesti) dibayar: the instalment is ~ on the tenth of every month, ansuran mesti dibayar pd 10 hb setiap bulan; 2. (of cheque, money order, etc) specifying payment to person or company, bayar kepada. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pay | ~ st down, membayar [amount] pendahuluan: she paid 10% down and the rest in twelve monthly instalments, dia membayar 10% pendahuluan dan selebihnya secara ansuran selama dua belas bulan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lay-by | n 1. area at side of road where vehicle can stop, hentian sebelah; 2. (Austral & NZ) payment scheme for reserved merchandise, ansuran barang tertahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lay-by | n 1. area at side of road where vehicle can stop, hentian sebelah; 2. (Austral & NZ) payment scheme for reserved merchandise, ansuran barang tertahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
final | adj 1. last, akhir, penghabisan; (the very last) terakhir: the ~ chapter of the book, bab akhir buku itu; ~ preparations, persediaan akhir; the ~ days of the tournament, hari-hari terakhir perlawanan itu; ~ instalment, ansuran terakhir; 2. conclusive, muktamad: the umpire’s decision is ~, keputusan pengadil adalah muktamad; you’re not going, and that’s ~!, kamu tdk boleh pergi, dan itu muktamad!; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | [for phrases such as ~ debt, ~ despair, ~ horror, ~ luck, ~ public, ~ ruins, ~ tears, etc, see approp n]; 10. (indic manner) secara; (of speaking) dengan: they met ~ secret, mereka berjumpa secara sulit; to pay ~ instalments, membayar secara ansuran; he told me ~ confidence that he would not be contesting the seat, dia memberitahu saya secara rahsia bahawa dia tdk akan bertanding utk merebut erusi itu; she spoke ~ a harsh voice, dia bercakap dengan suara yg keras; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |