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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

anythingn & pron 1. (non-emphatic) something, apa-apa, sesuatu: is there ~ I can do to help?, adakah sesuatu yg dapat saya buat utk menolong?; if you see ~ unusual, let me know, kalau kamu nampak apa-apa yg luar biasa, beritahulah saya; 2. (emphatic) no matter what, a. (in all except negative sentences) apa(-apa) saja, apa(-apa) pun: I’ll do ~ you like, saya akan melakukan apa saja yg kamu sukai; I’ll eat ~ but that, saya akan memakan apa saja kecuali itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
improvisevt 1. make (st) quickly from materials available or without preparation, /membuat, menyediakan/ (dgn apa-apa yg ada); (speech etc) mengimprovisasi: to ~ a bed, membuat tempat tidur dgn apa-apa yg ada; to ~ a meal, menyediakan makanan dgn apa-apa yg ada; they ~d a raft out of planks and empty oil drums, mereka membuat rakit dgn papan dan tong minyak; 2. compose (verse, piece of music, lines of play, etc) as one goes along, approp v + [sst] secara spontan, mengimprovisasi: to ~ an accompaniment, memainkan muzik iringan secara spontan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
innocentn 1. inexperienced, ingenuous person, esp young child, (orang yg) tdk tahu apa-apa: the dear little ~s, anak-anak kecil yg tdk tahu apa-apa; 2. simpleton, (orang yg) /betul bendul, sangat lurus/.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
improvisationn 1. act of, a. (making, preparing st quickly from materials that are available), /membuat, menyediakan/ [sst] dgn apa-apa yg ada; (of speech etc) mengimprovisasi: his skill at ~ is a valuable asset, kemahirannya membuat peralatan dgn apa-apa yg ada sangat berfaedah; b. (composing verse, piece of music, lines of play, etc as one goes along) improvisasi: ~ was used extensively by jazz players, pemuzik jaz menggunakan improvisasi secara meluas; 2. st improvised, improvisasi: he was good at making ~s, dia pandai membuat improvisasi; the bench is an ~, using two tree stumps and a plank, bangku itu ialah improvisasi yg dibuat dgn dua tunggul kayu dan sekeping papan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
idleadj 1. unoccupied, tdk berbuat apa-apa, duduk-duduk sahaja, bermalas-malas: he hated being ~, dia tdk suka duduk-duduk sahaja; 2. without employment, menganggur: the factory closed and left hundreds of workers ~, kilang itu ditutup dan beratus-ratus pekerja menganggur; 3. not operating or being used productively, terbiar; lie ~, tinggal terbiar: the tractors were lying ~, traktor itu tinggal terbiar; 4. lazy, malas: an ~ worker, pekerja yg malas; 5. futile, sia-sia: an ~ effort, usaha yg sia-sia; 6. trivial, kosong: ~ chit-chat, perbualan kosong; ~ thoughts, angan-angan kosong;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fine1~ /by, with / so., sso tdk keberatan, tdk apa-apa (bagi sso): Mrs. Harrison will have to put in ten hours of overtime next week, but that’s ~ by her, Pn. Harrison mesti membuat kerja lebih masa selama sepuluh jam minggu depan, tetapi dia tdk keberatan; cut it (a bit) ~, menyuntukkan /masa, waktu/: you’re cutting it a bit ~ – you’ve got to be at the airport at five and it’s already four-thirty, kamu ini menyuntukkan masa – kamu mesti berada di lapangan terbang pd pukul lima dan sekarang ini sudah pukul empat setengah; have a ~ time, berseronok-seronok;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
improvisevi 1. make st from materials available or without preparation, menggunakan apa-apa saja yg ada; (of speaker, announcer, etc) approp v + secara spontan, mengimprovisasi: the announcer had to ~ to fill in the time, juruhebah terpaksa mengimprovisasi utk mengisi masa siaran; the speaker had to ~ as he had forgotten to bring the text of his speech, penceramah itu terpaksa berucap secara spontan krn terlupa membawa teks ucapannya; 2. compose st as one goes along, mengimprovisasi: the actor forgot his lines and had to ~, pelakon itu terlupa dialognya dan terpaksa mengimprovisasi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
amissadj 1. wrong, the matter, [various translations]; (colloq) tak kena: is st ~?, ada apa-apa?; st must be ~ if the place is full of police, tentu ada sst yg terjadi jika tempat ini penuh dgn polis; according to the doctor there was nothing ~ with her, menurut doktor dia tdk sakit apa pun; everything is ~, semuanya serba tak kena; 2. faulty, deserving complaint, [various translations]; (colloq) tak kena: st is ~ with the car, ada sst yg rosak pd kereta itu; there must be st ~ if the books do not balance, tentu ada sst yg silap jika akaun ini tdk seimbang; his judgement was slightly ~ on this occasion, pertimbangannya tdk berapa tepat kali ini; 3. out of place, salah: it would not be ~ for you to participate, tdk ada salahnya or tdk salah jika kamu ikut serta;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
innocentadj 1. not guilty, tdk bersalah: the jury found him ~, juri mendapati dia tdk bersalah; be ~ of, tdk melakukan: she was ~ of the crime, dia tdk melakukan jenayah itu; 2. not involved in crime, evil activity, situation, etc, tdk /berdosa, bersalah/: the shot killed an ~ bystander, tembakan itu menyebabkan orang yg tdk berdosa yg berada di tempat kejadian itu mati; 3. a. naive, artless, tdk tahu apa-apa; (of eyes, look, smile, etc) polos: he takes advantage of ~ visitors, dia mengambil kesempatan thdp pelawat-pelawat yg tdk tahu apa-apa; she is ~ in the ways of the world, dia itu tdk tahu apa-apa ttg ragam hidup; she gave him an ~ smile, dia memberikan senyuman polos kepadanya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
innocencen 1. purity, /kesucian, kemurnian/ hati: she has lost her ~, dia telah hilang kesucian hatinya; 2. naivety, artlessness, (sifat sso yg) tdk tahu apa-apa; (of look etc) polos: it was her childlike ~ that attracted him to her, sifatnya spt anak yg tdk tahu apa-apalah yg menyebabkan lelaki itu terpikat; don’t fall for that look of ~ on his face, jangan terpedaya dgn wajahnya yg kelihatan polos itu; 3. fact of not being guilty, ketakbersalahan, tdk bersalah: to try to prove o’s ~, mencuba membuktikan bahawa sso tdk bersalah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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