consolation | find ~ in, berasa senang hati apabila: he found ~ in her company, dia berasa senang hati apabila bersama gadis itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
laugh | ~ so. down, apabila ditertawakan, sso tdk jadi hendak + approp v: he was ~ed down when he started to speak, apabila ditertawakan, dia tdk jadi hendak berucap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crunch | when it comes to the ~, when the ~ comes, apabila tiba masanya: we thought we could rely on her help but when it came to the ~, it wasn’t forthcoming, kami fikir kami dapat mengharapkan pertolongan daripadanya tetapi apabila tiba masanya, kami tdk mendapat pertolongannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
course | ~ of action, tindakan: to take a certain ~ of action, mengambil tindakan tertentu; as a matter of ~, sudah menjadi satu kelaziman; in due ~, apabila tiba /waktunya, masanya/: we will communicate with you in due ~, kami akan menghubungi anda apabila tiba waktunya; in the ~ of, a. (a year, a week, etc) dlm masa (setahun, seminggu, dll); b. (conversation, discussion, etc) semasa [perbualan, perbincangan, dsb]; in the ~ of construction, dlm proses pembinaan; in the ~ of time, lama-kelamaan, lambat-laun: in the ~ of time he became a famous painter, lama-kelamaan dia menjadi pelukis terkenal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bend | the rod bent suddenly as the fish took the bait, tiba-tiba joran itu melentur apabila umpan dimakan ikan; 2. (of tree branch) a. become curved upwards, melentur; b. become curved downward, melendut; 3. sag, melendut: the plank bent when he trod on it, papan itu melendut apabila dipijaknya; 4. become crooked, a. (of flexible things) melentur, membengkok, menjadi bengkok: copper wire ~s easily, dawai tembaga mudah melentur; b. (of part of body) membengkokkan: my arm won’t ~, saya tdk dapat membengkokkan tangan saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grate 1 | apabila tergesel engselnya; 2. cause so. to feel irritated, menjengkelkan (sso), menyakitkan telinga (sso): his shrill voice really ~s, suaranya yg nyaring itu betul-betul menjengkelkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bell | at the ~, apabila loceng berbunyi; ring a ~, (colloq) saya rasa saya pernah dengar nama itu: Rahmat Ramly – yes, the name certainly rings a ~, Rahmat Ramly –ya, saya rasa saya pernah dengar nama itu; saved by the ~, (colloq) terselamat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fullness | in the ~ of time, apabila sampai masanya, suatu hari nanti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
difficulty | raised, persatuan pengguna membantah apabila harga barang dinaikkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brush1 | ~ off, tanggal (apabila diberus): the stain won’t ~ off, kesan kotor ini tdk mahu tanggal; ~ so. off, a. reject so., menolak + approp n: I’ve asked her out several times but each time she ~es me off, sudah beberapa kali saya mengajak dia keluar tetapi setiap kali dia menolak ajakan saya; b. end a relationship with so., meninggalkan sso: I heard on the grape-vine that Adnan’s girlfriend had ~ed him off, saya mendengar khabar angin bahawa teman wanita Adnan telah meninggalkannya; c. avoid meeting or forming a relationship with so., tdk mengendahkan sso: he tried to befriend them but they ~ed him off, dia mencuba berkenalan dgn mereka tetapi mereka tdk mengendahkannya; ~ st off, menyapu sst dr; (by a flicking movement) mengibas sst dr: to ~ breadcrumbs off the table, menyapu serdak roti dr meja; the horse ~ed off the fly with its tail, kuda itu mengibas lalat dr badannya dgn ekornya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |