apathetic | adj 1. having, showing no emotion, bersikap /tdk peduli, apati/: he was quite ~ to their sufferings, dia bersikap apati thdp kesengsaraan mereka; 2. indifferent, bersikap /acuh tak acuh, endah tak endah, apati/: the townspeople were too ~, orang-orang bandar itu bersikap terlalu acuh tak acuh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apathy | n 1. absence of interest, enthusiasm, etc, sikap /acuh tak acuh, endah tak endah, apati/; 2. absence of emotion, feeling, sikap /tdk peduli, apati/: such ~ is hard to understand, sikap apati spt itu sukar difahami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |