apron | <i>ni> 1. <i>protective garment,i> apron; tied to so’s ~ strings, (<i>colloqi>) mengikut telunjuk sso; 2. <i>st resembling apron,i> a. <i>forestage,i> bahagian hadapan pentas; b. <i>hard-surfaced area abutting on airfield,i> apron; c. <i>protective covering for machines etc,i> apron, lapis lindung; d. <i>protective shield along river bank, sea wall, etc,i> apron, lapis lindung; e. <i>panel, board between window sill and skirting,i> rembat; f. <i>(geol) deposit of sand, gravel, etc,i> tebaran; 3. <i>continuous conveyor belt,i> apron. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aproned | <i>adji> berapron, memakai apron: <i>~ maids,i> pembantu-pembantu rumah yg memakai apron. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
darn1 | <i>vi & vt i> menjerumat, menisik: <i>she ~s well,i> dia pandai menjerumat; <i>to ~ a tear in an apron,i> enjerumat bahagian apron yg koyak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
functional | <i>adji> 1. <i>rel to a function,i> fungsi(an): <i>he has ~ authority over his department,i> dia mempunyai kewibawaan fungsian atas jabatannya; <i>the problem is a ~ one and should be solved in time,i> masalah itu masalah fungsian dan lama kelamaan dapat diselesaikan; 2. <i>practical rather than decorative,i> fungsi; (<i>attribi>) fungsian: <i>an apron is decorative as well as ~,i> apron sbg hiasan dan ada fungsinya; <i>a ~ piece of furniture,i> sebuah perabot fungsian; <i>~ design,i> reka bentuk fungsian; 3. <i>working,i> (<i>of machinei>) berjalan, berfungsi: <i>these machines are no longer ~,i> mesin-mesin ini tdk lagi berfungsi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |