float | n 1. st that floats or enables so., st to float, a. (attached to fishing-line or net) pelampung; b. (used in swimming) pelampung; c. (used to regulate the level of water etc in a cistern) apungan; d. (allowing aircraft to float on water) apungan; 2. low-wheeled platform used in a parade, kereta berhias: there were some beautifully designed ~s in the procession, terdapat kereta-kereta berhias yg direka indah dlm perarakan itu; 3. milk float, van susu; 4. (drink) flot: give me a strawberry ~, bagi saya flot strawberi; 5. sum of money to provide change, apungan: our bus conductors usually start work with a ~ of ten pounds in small change, konduktor bas kami selalunya mula bekerja dgn apungan duit tukar sebanyak sepuluh paun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |