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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

basicadj 1. fundamental, primary, asas, dasar: ~ needs, keperluan asas; ~ principles, prinsip asas; ~ training, latihan asas; ~ rights, hak-hak asasi; 2. without any additions, pokok: ~ wage, gaji pokok; 3. (chem) bes, asas: ~ element, unsur bes; ~ oxide, oksida bes;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fundamentaladj 1. basic, asas, dasar: this principle was ~ to all his beliefs, prinsip ini merupakan asas kpd semua kepercayaannya; the ~ rules governing grammar, peraturan-peraturan asas yg menguasai tatabahasa; there is a ~ difference between the two schools of thought, ada perbezaan asas antara dua aliran pemikiran itu; 2. most important, utama: the ~ question happens to be a political one, persoalan utama kebetulannya persoalan politik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
basisn 1. foundation, basic principle, asas, dasar: take the theory as the ~ for your argument, gunakan teori itu sbg asas hujah kamu; on the ~ of, atas /asas, dasar/, berasaskan, berdasarkan; 2. main ingredient, bahan /asas, dasar/.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
basaladj 1. of, at or forming the base, asas, dasar; 2. fundamental, asas: ~ characteristics, sifat-sifat asas.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
essentialn 1. st extremely necessary or important, approp n + yg perlu: he regards money as an ~, dia menganggap wang sbg sesuatu yg perlu; we only had enough money to furnish the room with the bare ~s, kami hanya ada wang yg cukup utk melengkapi bilik itu dgn perabot yg perlu sahaja; 2. fundamental principle, asas: the ~s of English grammar, asas-asas tatabahasa Inggeris.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
elegiacn 1. (chem) unsur: hydrogen and oxygen are ~s, hidrogen dan oksigen ialah unsur;2. any of the four elements (earth, water, air, fire) unsur; 3. (in pl) the ~s, unsur-unsur alam: the fisherman’s face was bronzed and wrinkled through exposure to the ~s, muka nelayan itu hitam dan berkedut-kedut krn terdedah kpd unsur-unsur alam; to brave the ~s, menghadapi unsur-unsur alam dgn tabah; 4. (in pl) rudiments (of learning) asas, dasar: the ~s of geometry, asas-asas geometri; 5. feature, component, unsur: spice is an important ~ in Indian cuisine, rempah ialah unsur penting dlm masakan orang India;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
base18. (chem) bes; 9. (geom) tapak: the ~ of a triangle, tapak segi tiga; 10. (math) asas: ten is the ~ in the decimal system, sepuluh ialah asas dlm sistem perpuluhan; the ~ of a logarithm, asas logaritma; 11. (ling) dasar kata;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
base1n 1. lower part, bottom, a. (of mountain, hill) kaki; b. (of pyramid) tapak; c. (of lamp) kaki; 2. plinth (of statue, vase, column, etc) tapak, asas: a bronze statue on a marble ~, patung gangsa di atas tapak marmar; 3. foundation, a. (of building) tapak, asas; b. (of wall) dasar; 4. basis, asas, dasar; 5. centre of operations, a. (for military activities, exploration, etc) pangkalan: air ~, pangkalan udara; naval ~, pangkalan tentera laut;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
corner-stonen 1. (archit) batu penjuru; 2. see FOUNDATION-STONE; 3. foundation, basis, asas, sendi: education is the ~ of civilization, pelajaran adalah asas tamadun.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ABCn 1. the alphabet, ABC, huruf: to learn the ~, belajar ABC or belajar mengenal huruf; 2. rudiments, asas: the ~ of cooking, asas masak-memasak.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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