eaves | n cucur atap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corrugated iron | n atap zink. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
house-top | n /bumbung, atap/ rumah; /shout, proclaim, etc/ from the ~s, menghebahkan: we don’t want all our private business shouted from the ~s, kita tdk mahu segala hal peribadi kita dihebahkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dapple | vt menjadikan bertelau-telau: sunlight that filtered through the leaves ~d the roof of the hut, cahaya matahari yg menembusi celah-celah daun menjadikan atap pondok itu bertelau-telau; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clump | ~ together, a. gather together, berkumpul: the sheep ~ed together under a tree, kambing biri-biri itu berkumpul di bawah pokok; b. be found close to each other, terdapat kumpulan: groups of thatched houses ~ed together along the foothill, terdapat kumpulan-kumpulan rumah atap di sepanjang kaki bukit itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cluster | b. grow in clusters round st, tumbuh berumpun di keliling sst: roses ~ing round the cottage windows, bunga-bunga mawar tumbuh berumpun di keliling tingkap-tingkap rumah itu; c. be situated, found round st, terdapat di keliling sst: groups of thatched houses ~ed round the mosque, kumpulan-kumpulan rumah atap terdapat di keliling masjid itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
around | 5. here and there, a. at, in various places, di sana sini, di merata-rata tempat: scattered ~, tersebar di merata-rata tempat; b. to various places, ke merata-rata tempat, ke sana sini: to travel ~, mengembara ke merata-rata tempat; 6. to so’s house, place of work, etc, ke /rumah, pejabat, dll/ sso, [or not translated]: he came ~ to inspect the leak in the roof, dia datang (ke rumah saya) utk memeriksa atap yg bocor; 7. (colloq) in existence, circulation or activity, [no specif translation]; (when length of time is indic) berkecimpung dlm bidang + approp n: you won’t find furniture of this quality ~ nowadays, kamu tdk akan dapat mencari perabot yg bermutu spt ini sekarang or perabot yg bermutu spt ini tdk lagi dijual sekarang; he must be one of the best actors ~, dia tentulah salah seorang pelakon yg terbaik di antara yg ada; a singer who has been ~ for a number of years now, penyanyi yg telah berkecimpung dlm bidang seni suara selama beberapa tahun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |