gun | big ~s, (sl) orang atas-atas; give it the ~, (colloq) pecut; going great ~s, sedang maju; jump the ~, (colloq) bertindak sebelum masanya; stick to o’s ~s, (fig.) berpegang teguh pd pendirian: you’ve got to stick to your ~s whatever the outcome, kamu mesti berpegang teguh pd pendirian kamu walau apa pun yg terjadi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
above | adv 1. at a higher point, di (sebelah) atas: the branches ~, dahan-dahan di sebelah atas; from ~, dari atas: seen from ~, dilihat dari atas; 2. to a higher point, ke atas; 3. on a higher floor, di atas, di tingkat atas: there are three bedrooms ~, ada tiga buah bilik tidur di atas; 4. to a higher floor, ke atas, ke tingkat atas: a stairway that leads ~, tangga yg menuju ke atas; 5. in the sky, di langit: the moon ~, bulan di langit; 6. (of sky, ceiling, etc), [not translated]: the blue sky ~, langit biru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
uppermost | adj 1. in the highest position, paling atas, teratas, atas sekali: the office is situated on the ~ floor, pejabat itu terletak di tingkat paling atas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
overhead | adv di atas: an aeroplane flew ~, kapal terbang lalu di atas; the people in the flat ~, penghuni di rumah pangsa di atas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
upper | adj 1. in a higher position than another,,/i> atas: place the book on the ~ shelf, letakkan buku itu di para atas; there’s a room on the ~ floor, ada sebuah bilik di tingkat atas; 2. higher (part of st) atas: the ~ part of his body was bare, bahagian atas badannya terdedah; 3. of greater importance or higher rank, atasan: the ~ strata of society, golongan atasan dlm masyarakat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
score | on more ~s than one, atas lebih drpd satu sebab; on the ~ of, atas sebab, kerana, disebabkan: he retired on the ~ of declining health, dia bersara atas sebab kesihatannya yg kian merosot; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
overhead | adj 1. above the level of the head, atas: ~ wires, wayar atas; ~ light, lampu atas; 2. (econ) overhed: ~ expenses, belanja overhed; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
upward | 1. towards a higher place, ke atas: the road winds ~, jalan itu berliku-liku ke atas; he lay face ~ on the floor, dia berbaring dgn mukanya ke atas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
upon | prep 1. upward so as to be on, ke atas: the child climbed ~ his father’s back, budak itu memanjat ke atas belakang bapanya; 2. in a high position on, di atas: a house built ~ the hill, rumah yg dibina di atas bukit; 3. imminent, menjelang tiba: the school holidays are ~ us again, cuti sekolah menjelang tiba lagi; 4. immediately following on, apabila: ~ his death, the property went to his son, apabila dia meninggal, harta itu menjadi milik anak lelakinya; 5. (used between the two occurrences of the same noun) demi; (if the noun is expressed in number or unit of measure) ber- + approp n: request ~ request was submitted to the department, permohonan demi permohonan telah dikemukakan kpd jabatan itu; hundreds ~ hundreds of people arrived at the assembly, beratus-ratus orang tiba di perhimpunan itu; they travelled through mile ~ mile of desert, mereka mengembara merentasi gurun yg berbatu-batu jauhnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
upstairs | 2. on an upper floor, di atas: the children are in bed ~, budak-budak itu sedang tidur di atas; he heard a sound ~, dia terdengar ada bunyi di atas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |