advantage | be of ~ (to) berfaedah (bagi), bermanfaat (bagi): such an action would be of little ~ to him, tindakan demikian tdk begitu berfaedah baginya; give so. an ~ over, memberi sso kelebihan drpd: his years of experience gave him an ~ over his colleagues, pengalamannya yg bertahun-tahun memberinya kelebihan drpd rakan sepejabatnya; have /an, the/ ~ over so., mempunyai kelebihan yg mengatasi sso: financially, he had the ~ over most of his rivals, dr segi kewangan dia mempunyai kelebihan yg mengatasi kebanyakan saingannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indefinitely | adv (for an uncertain period of time) bagi tempoh masa yg tdk pasti; (for an unlimited period of time) bagi tempoh masa yg tdk terbatas; (in loose usage) utk selama-lamanya: the meeting was postponed ~, mesyuarat itu ditangguhkan bagi tempoh masa yg tdk pasti; such policies cannot be sustained ~, dasar-dasar begini tdk dapat dipertahankan bagi tempoh masa yg tdk terbatas; you can’t stay here ~, kamu tdk boleh tinggal di sini utk selama-lamanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
for | b. as far as so. is concerned, bagi: ~ the old woman day and night were the same, bagi perempuan tua itu siang dan malam sama saja; ~ me, it doesn’t matter whether they come or not, bagi saya tdk menjadi hal mereka datang atau tidak; 16. as being (part of) sebagai, [sometimes various translations]: he wanted her ~ his wife, dia ingin menjadikan gadis itu isterinya; they chose him ~ their leader, mereka memilihnya sebagai ketua; he used the saucer ~ an ashtray, dia menggunakan piring itu sebagai tempat abu rokok; I don’t know ~ certain, saya tdk pasti; they beat him up and left him ~ dead, mereka memukulinya dan meninggalkannya krn difikirkan dia telah mati; to be sold ~ slaves, dijual sebagai abdi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
concerned | as far as so. is ~, bagi sso: as far as I am ~ he is no longer my responsibility, bagi saya, dia bukan lagi tanggungjawab saya; /as far as, where /st is ~, [various translations]: where food is ~ she is not choosy at all, tentang makanan dia tdk cerewet sedikit pun; as far as these colleges are ~, any decline in academic excellence will be bad for their reputation, bagi kolej-kolej ini sebarang kemerosotan kecemerlangan akademik adalah tdk baik thdp reputasi mereka; the film is one of the finest of the decade as far as special effects are ~, dr segi kesan khas, filem itu merupakan yg terbaik dlm dekad ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
behalf | n; on ~ of so., (US) in ~ of so., bagi pihak sso; on so’s ~, a. as representative, in the interest of so., bagi pihak sso: the lawyer acted on my ~ , peguam itu bertindak bagi pihak saya; b. on account of so., mengingatkan hal: he was worried on his wife’s ~, dia bimbang mengingatkan hal isterinya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appear | ~ for, hadir bagi pihak, mewakili : to ~ for the defence, hadir bagi pihak pembela; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
act | ~ for, bertindak bagi pihak: to ~ for o’s client, bertindak bagi pihak pelanggan sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
character | in ~, memang biasa bagi sso: that rowdy behaviour was quite in ~, kelakuan yg buruk itu memang biasa baginya; out of ~, /ganjil, pelik/ bagi sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
become | vt 1. befit, be proper for, wajar bagi: his behaviour did not ~ a person of his position, kelakuannya tdk wajar bagi kedudukannya; 2. suit (so.) well, /kena, cocok, sesuai/ betul dgn: that dress ~s her, pakaian itu kena betul dengannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beseem | vt (archaic); it ill ~s so. (to do st) tdk /wajar, patut/ (bagi) sso (melakukan sst); it well ~s so. (to do st) /wajar, patut/ (bagi) sso (melakukan sst). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |