Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ba.gin.da] | بݢيندا

Definisi : kata ganti diri ketiga bagi raja, khalifah, atau rasul. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[ba.gin.da] | بݢيندا

Definisi : 1 kata yg digunakan sbg gelaran di pangkal nama seseorang raja atau sultan: ~ Sultan Mansur Syah. 2 dia atau beliau (digunakan utk raja-raja): ~ sedang bersemayam di atas singgahsana. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata baginda


Seri Baginda raja di Acheh,
     Mandi bersiram si air mawar;
Sudah bertemu dengan kekasih,
     Racun diminum jadi penawar.

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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

HMabbrev /His, Her/ Majesty, DYMM Baginda; (ref to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong) DYMM Seri paduka Baginda; (ref to the Sultan of Brunei) DYMM Paduka Seri; (ref to a female sovereign) DYMM Baginda Ratu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
accessionn 1. act of acceding, a. (to the throne) also ~ to the throne, naik ke takhta kerajaan, naik takhta, naiknya [baginda] ke takhta kerajaan: he was only nineteen at the time of his ~ (to the throne) baginda baru berusia sembilan belas tahun pd waktu baginda naik takhta; b. ( to office) menjadi, (mula) memegang jawatan: before his ~ to the post of Vice-Chancellor, sebelum dia menjadi Naib Canselor; c. (to power), (mula) memegang, (mula) ber [kuasa]: after Hitler’s ~ to power, setelah Hitler mula memegang kuasa; 2. (leg.) increase, pertambahan: ~ to property, pertambahan harta; 3. addition, (approp n +) tambahan: a list of new ~s to the library, senarai (bahan bacaan) tambahan baru utk perpustakaan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
and3. along with, dan, serta, (berserta) dengan: the Sultan ~ his retinue, Sultan dan para pengiring baginda; 4. as a consequence, dan [n] pun, lalu: I was rude ~ she lost her temper, saya berlaku kasar dan dia pun naik darah; 5. (indic action consequent on previous action) jika, kalau, jikalau: move ~ I’ll shoot, jika bergerak, saya tembak; 6. and then, dan, lalu: whe picked up a stone ~ threw it at the dog, dia mengutip seketul batu dan melemparkannya kpd anjing itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hersposs pron what belongs to her, a. (gen) approp n + /nya, dia /; b. (respectful) approp n + beliau; (ref to sovereign ruler or ex-ruler, king’s consort) approp n + baginda: it had been ~ for a long time but the new government has declared the land state property, tanah ini milik baginda sejak lama dahulu tetapi kerajaan baru telah mengisytiharkannya sbg harta kerajaan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crownvt 1. place crown on head of, (so as to invest with royal power, title) memahkotai [sso] sbg: they ~ed him King, mereka memahkotai baginda sbg Raja; she was ~ed Miss World, dia dimahkotai sbg Ratu Cantik Dunia; 2. top, cap, terdapat; (so as to cover) meliputi: the church spire was ~ed with a cross, terdapat palang di puncak menara gereja; a mountain ~ed with snow, puncak gunung diliputi salji; 3. bring to a happy conclusion, merupakan kemuncak: success ~ed his efforts, kejayaan merupakan kemuncak usahanya; a visit to the circus ~ed the children’s holiday, lawatan ke sarkas merupakan kemuncak percutian kanak-kanak itu; 4. put artificial crown on, menyalut: to ~ a tooth, menyalut gigi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
honourdo so. ~, a. pay homage to so., memberi penghormatan kpd sso: heads of state attended the emperor’s funeral to do him ~, ketua-ketua negara menghadiri upacara pengebumian maharaja sbg penghormatan kpd baginda; b. cause others to respect so., menyebabkan sso /dihormati, dipandang mulia/; do so. the ~ of, sudi; (of royalty) berkenan bercemar duli; (in request) sudikah: she did us the ~ of attending the show’s opening night, dia telah sudi menghadiri malam pembukaan pertunjukan itu; will you do me the ~ of dancing with me?, sudikah puan menari dgn saya?;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
imperialadj 1. of, rel to empire, empayar: ~ expansion, perluasan empayar; 2. of, rel to emperor, empress, maha-raja: The I~ Chinese Court, Istana Maharaja China; His I~ Majesty, Duli Yang Maha Mulia Baginda Maharaja; 3. majestic, regal, [various translations]: they lived in ~ splendour on an island in the Mediterranean, mereka hidup penuh kegemilangan di sebuah pulau di Laut Mediterranean; anything he does, he does on an ~ scale, apa saja dilakukannya, pasti dilakukan secara besar-besaran; 4. (of weights and measures) fixed by law in the UK, [not translated]: I~ gallon, gelen.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bountyn 1. generosity, kedermawanan, kemurahan hati: he was well known for his ~, dia terkenal krn kedermawanannya; 2. generous gift, pemberian (yg) dermawan: the king’s ~ to his men, pemberian dermawan oleh raja kpd orang-orang baginda; 3. reward (by government) ganjaran.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hepron 1. (replacing name of male person referred to) a. [as subj of act. v] dia: ~ wrote a letter to the manager, dia menulis surat kpd pengurus; b. [as agent of pass. v] nya: the letter which ~ wrote ..., surat yg ditulisnya; 2. (respectful, for distinguished male person) a. (gen) beliau: I would like to speak to the Vice-Chancellor, if ~ has time, saya ingin berjumpa dgn Naib Canselor, kalau beliau ada waktu; b. (for sovereign ruler or ex-ruler, crown prince, prophet of Islam, caliph) baginda: when he Emperor of Japan visited the factory, ~ was impressed, sewaktu Maharaja Jepun melawat ke kilang tersebut, baginda sangat tertawan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hispron 1. ( poss. form of “he”) a. (gen) nya, dia: ~ essay won the prize, eseinya memenangi hadiah itu; Shakespeare is better known for ~ plays than ~ poetry, Shakespeare lebih dikenali krn dramanya drpd puisinya; b. (respectful) beliau; (ref to sovereign ruler or ex-ruler, queen’s consort, Muslim prophet, caliph) baginda; c. (ref to animal or inanimate thing) nya; 2. what belongs to him, approp n + /nya, dia/: this is my book, not ~, ini buku saya, bukan buku dia; he can take back whatever is ~, dia boleh ambil balik apa saja miliknya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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