component | adj komponen: ~ parts, bahagian-bahagian komponen; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
differentiated | adj telah dibeza(-beza)kan: ~ divisions, bahagian-bahagian yg telah dibeza-bezakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exposed | adj terdedah: the ~ parts of the engine, bahagian-bahagian enjin yg terdedah; the building stood in an ~ position, bangunan itu terletak dlm kedudukan yg terdedah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
destructible | adj /dapat, boleh/ /dibinasakan, dimusnahkan/: ~ machine parts, bahagian-bahagian jentera yg boleh dimusnahkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fleshy | adj 1. a. having much flesh, berisi, berdaging: the ~ parts of the body, bahagian-bahagian badan yg berisi; b. fat, plump, tembam, montok: ~ fingers, jari-jari montok; 2. consisting of flesh, berisi: the adult male has a ~ lump at the end of its snout, jantan dewasa mempunyai bonggol yg berisi pd hujung muncungnya; 3. (of fruit) berisi; (of leaf) tebal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
direction | 6. (in pl)instructions, arahan: ~s about putting the parts together, arahan utk memasang bahagian-bahagian itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
area | n 1. surface measure, luas(nya): the ~ of the room is 7 metres by 5 metres, luas bilik itu ialah 7 meter kali 5 meter; the ~ of a cone, luas kon; 2. section, part, bahagian: ~s of the brain, bahagian-bahagian otak; only certain ~s of the house are affected by dry rot, hanya pd bahagian-bahagian tertentu saja rumah itu terkena reput kering; 3. region, kawasan: a swampy ~, kawasan berpaya; the ~ around the city, kawasan di sekeliling bandar raya; ~ manager, pengurus kawasan; 4. ground set aside for specif purpose, tempat: parking ~, tempat letak kereta; picnic ~, tempat berkelah; 5. section of town, city having specif purpose, kawasan: residential ~, kawasan kediaman; commercial ~, kawasan perdagangan; shopping ~, kawasan beli-belah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brunt | n bahagian yg paling hebat: the ~ of the enemy attack fell on C Company, Kompeni C menerima bahagian yg paling hebat drpd serangan musuh; bear the ~ of, menerima bahagian yg paling hebat: the minister bore the ~ of the opposition’s attack, menteri itulah yg menerima bahagian yg paling hebat drpd serangan penentangnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bottom | n 1. the lowest part, a. (gen) bahagian bawah: the ~ of the page, bahagian bawah muka surat; the ~ of the wall, bahagian bawah dinding itu; b. (of hill, mountain) kaki; c. (of container) dasar: the dregs have sunk to the ~ of the glass, keladak telah mendap ke dasar gelas; /at, from, to/ the ~, /di, dr, ke/ bawah; 2. underside, /bahagian, sebelah/ bawah: the ~ of the plank was infested with termites, bahagian bawah papan itu penuh dgn anai-anai; the ~ of the kettle was dirty, bahagian bawah cerek itu kotor; 3. ground under a body of water, dasar: the ~ of the sea, dasar laut; the river ~, dasar sungai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interior | n 1. inside, inner part, bahagian dalam: the ~ of the house needs painting, bahagian dalam rumah itu perlu dicat; the ~ of the box is lined with silk, bahagian dalam kotak itu dilapik dgn sutera; the ~ of the earth, bahagian dalam bumi; 2. inland region, area, (kawasan) pedalaman; the ~ is largely desert, sebahagian besar kawasan pedalamannya ialah gu-run; 3. domestic affairs, dalam negeri: the Minister of the I~, Menteri Dalam Negeri; the Department of the I~, Jabatan Dalam Negeri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |