debating | n (attrib) bahas: ~ team, pasukan bahas; ~ society, persatuan bahas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guillotine | n 1. device for beheading criminals, gilotin; 2. machine used for cutting paper, pemotong kertas; 3. (Parl) pangkas bahas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
debate | n 1. formal discussion, perdebatan, perbahasan: parliamentary ~, perdebatan parlimen; 2. informal discussion, berdebat: after the lengthy ~ they decided to drop the matter, selepas berdebat dgn panjang lebar mereka memutuskan utk melupakan perkara itu; 3. (contest) pertandingan bahas: an inter-school ~, pertandingan bahas antara sekolah; /in, under/ ~, yg /di(per)bahaskan, di(per)debatkan, dipersoalkan/: the issue under ~, isu yg diperbahaskan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |