answer | ~ for, a. take responsibility or blame for, bertanggungjawab thdp: he must ~ for his son’s conduct, dia mesti bertanggungjawab thdp kelakuan anak lelakinya; b. pay the penalty of, /mendapat, menerima/ balasan thdp: some day you will have to ~ for what you did to him, suatu hari nanti kamu akan mendapat balasan thdp apa yg telah kamu lakukan kepadanya; c. vouch for, menjamin: I can’t ~ for his honesty, saya tdk berani menjamin bahawa dia jujur; d. speak, reply on behalf of, bercakap bagi pihak: I agree with the suggestion but I can’t ~ for the others, saya bersetuju dgn cadangan itu tetapi saya tdk boleh bercakap bagi pihak yg lain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
desert 3 | n (in pl) that which is deserved, a. (as reward) ganjaran; b. (as punishment) ganjaran, balasan: to get o’s just ~s, mendapat ganjaran sso; reward so. according to /his, her/ ~s, memberi sso ganjaran yg berpatutan; punish so. according to /his, her/, menghukum sso setimpal dgn kesalahannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
judg (e)ment | by a judge or court, keputusan (hakim, mahkamah): the ~ was in favour of the plaintiff, keputusan hakim itu memihak kpd plaintif; 4. criticism, kritikan; 5. (as sign of divine displeasure) balasan Tuhan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invoke | vt 1. call on (esp God, deity) for help, inspiration, berdoa kpd [Tuhan]; 2. appeal, ask earnestly for, merayu, memohon, meminta: to ~ so’s forgiveness, merayu supaya sso diampuni; ~ vengeance on, (o’s enemy etc) mendoakan supaya (musuh sso dll) mendapat balasan; 3. summon (spirit etc) by incantation, menyeru: to ~ the spirits of the dead, menyeru roh orang yg sudah mati; 4. put, bring (law etc) into use, menggunakan: the government ~d the Sedition Act, kerajaan menggunakan Akta Hasutan; 5. refer to, use, (wise saying, principle, etc) merujuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
answer | n 1. spoken or written reply, jawapan: questions and ~s, soalan dan jawapan; I wrote to them about a month ago and still have not received any ~, saya menulis kpd mereka lebih kurang sebulan dahulu dan masih belum menerima jawapan apa pun; 2. reaction, response, a. (retributory) balasan, membalas: his only ~ was a blow, dia membalas hanya dgn pukulan; our ~ to this ban was to boycott their products, kami membalas pengharaman ini dgn memulaukan barangan mereka; b. (non-retributory), [not translated]: her ~ was to burst into tears, dia hanya menangis; 3. solution, penyelesaian; (math & phys) jawapan: there is no easy ~ to the problem, tdk ada penyelesaian yg mudah utk masalah itu; 4. (leg.) jawapan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |