Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : parit, tali air: ~ sawah itu sudah ditutup; ~ sampah parit tempat membuang sampah; upah lalu ~ tak masuk prb tidak sedikit pun mendatangkan hasil;membandarkan mengalirkan (air ke); ~ air ke bukit prb pekerjaan yg sia-sia. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata bandar II

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

wipe~ out, a. clean the inside of (st) as with cloth, membersihkan: she made sure the inside of the teapot was thoroughly ~d out before putting it away, dia memastikan supaya sebelah dalam teko itu betul-betul dibersihkan sebelum disimpan; b. destroy completely, i. (people) menghapuskan: the epidemic ~d out the whole population, wabak itu menghapuskan seluruh penduduk; ii. (buildings etc), (act.) memusnahkan; (pass.) musnah: the city was ~d out in the earthquake, bandar raya itu musnah dlm gempa bumi; iii. (firms etc), ( act.) melingkupkan; (pass.) lingkup: one of the many businesses that were ~d out during the depression, salah satu antara banyak perniagaan yg lingkup semasa kemelesetan ekonomi; c. put an end to (st), menghapuskan: every effort was made to ~ out injustice in the system, segala usaha telah dijalankan utk menghapuskan ketidakadilan dlm pentadbiran;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
grip/get, come/ to ~s, berlawan, bergasak: the two enemies came to ~s, kedua-dua orang yg bermusuhan itu berlawan; /get, come/ to ~s with, a. tackle, fight with, melawan; b. deal seriously with, i. (a subject) mendalami: it was a lengthy paper about problems in rural development but the author didn’t really come to ~s with the subject, kertas kerja ttg masalah dlm pembangunan luar bandar itu panjang lebar tetapi penulisnya tdk benar-benar mendalami perkara tersebut; ii. (problems, inadequacies, etc) berdepan dgn:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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