city | n 1. large, important town, kota, bandar: industrial ~, bandar perindustrian; ~ dwellers, penduduk kota; 2. incorporated municipality, bandar raya, kota raya: the ~ of Kuala Lumpur, bandar raya Kuala Lumpur; ~ council, dewan bandar raya; 3. (people) penduduk /kota, bandar, bandar raya, kota raya/: the whole ~ turned up to welcome the visiting president, seluruh penduduk bandar raya keluar utk mengalu-alukan kedatangan presiden; 4. of, characteristic of a large town, kota: a ~ girl, gadis kota. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
city hall | n dewan bandar raya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
celebrated | adj terkenal, termasyhur: a city ~ for its beautiful buildings, bandar raya yg terkenal krn bangunan-bangunannya yg indah; a ~ poet, seorang pensyair yg terkenal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
congested | adj 1. overcrowded, penuh sesak: ~ cities, bandar raya yg penuh sesak; 2. (med) sesak, kongesi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
black | to ~ out the windows, menggelapkan tingkap; to ~ out the city, menggelapkan bandar raya; to ~ out the stage, menggelapkan pentas; c. stop broadcast or release of, mencegah siar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bustle | n kesibukan; hustle and ~, kesibukan: the hustle and ~ of the city, kesibukan di bandar raya; be in a ~, (sangat) sibuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enshroud | vt (often pass.), (fml or liter.) menyelubungi: fog ~ed the city, kabut menyelubungi bandar raya itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blossom | ~ out (into), [various translations]: the little town ~ed out into a city, pekan kecil itu berkembang menjadi sebuah bandar raya; a farmer who had ~ed out into a statesman, seorang petani yg meningkat menjadi seorang negarawan; the little girl with pigtails has ~ed out into a beautiful woman, budak yg bertocang dua itu membesar dan menjadi seorang wanita yg cantik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
defence | 3. device which protects, a. (mil) pertahanan, alat pertahanan: the ~s of a city, pertahanan bandar raya; machine guns are a good ~ against attacks, mesingan merupakan alat pertahanan yg baik utk mematahkan serangan; b. (non-military), [various translations]: dykes were built as a ~ against the sea, daik dibina sbg pelindung drpd ancaman laut; white corpuscles are one of the body’s ~ es against germs, sel-sel putih merupakan salah satu bahan yg boleh mencegah kuman drpd masuk; 4. justification, membela diri: without listening to my ~ the board decided to take disciplinary action against me, tanpa memberi saya peluang untuk membela diri pihak lembaga membuat keputusan untuk mengambil tindakan tatatertib thdp saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bird’s-eye | adj 1. seen or photographed from high above, dr udara: a ~ view of Kuala Lumpur, pemandangan bandar raya Kuala Lumpur dr udara; 2. general, umum: a ~ survey of British politics, tinjauan umum politik Inggeris; 3. having markings resembling bird’s eyes, bintik mata ikan; a ~ scarf, skaf bintik mata ikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |