bank3 | n 1. row, tier of keys etc, baris + approp n: an organ with three ~s, organ yang mempunyai tiga baris mata; a four – ~ typewriter, mesin taip yg mempunyai empat baris mata huruf; 2. line of type, baris taipan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interlinear | adj antara baris: there were ~ additions to the proof, terdapat tambahan antara baris pd pruf itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jump | ~ the queue, memotong baris; ~ ship, terjun kapal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dactylic | adj (liter. ) daktil: a ~ line, baris daktil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chorus | n 1. choir, koir; 2. (refrain) baris ulang; 3. group of singers or dancers performing together in a show, korus; 4. utterance by a group,[not translated]: his announcement gave rise to a ~ of protest, pengumumannya disambut dgn bantahan; 5. (of sound made by birds, insects, etc) bunyi + approp n: they sat on the verandah listening to the ~ of frogs, mereka duduk di beranda sambil mendengar bunyi kuak katak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indent | vt start (line of print etc) in from the regular margin,mengengsot: the first line in every paragraph must be ~ed, baris pertama setiap perenggan mesti diengsot; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
after | prep 1. following in time, selepas, sesudah, setelah: ~ lunch, selepas makan tengah hari; ~ a short rest, selepas berehat sebentar; ~ the wedding, selepas majlis perkahwinan; 2. following continually, dr [ n ] ke [n ], demi; (of period of time) dr se [ n ] ke se [ n ], berganti: line ~ line, dr satu baris ke satu baris; mistake ~ mistake, kesilapan demi kesilapan; they worked day ~ day, mereka bekerja dr sehari ke sehari; 3. following in place, selepas, sesudah: my name was ~ his on the list, nama saya selepas namanya dlm senarai itu; Q comes ~ P in the alphabet, dlm abjad, Q ialah selepas P; 4. behind, dr belakang, [sometimes not translated]: she followed ~ him, dia mengikutinya dr belakang; please close the door ~ you, tolong tutup pintu; he dragged the broken branch ~ him, dia mengheret dahan patah itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arrange | vt 1. put into order, a. (gen) mengatur, menyusun: the chairs were ~d in rows, kerusi-kerusi itu diatur berbaris-baris; to ~ the books in the library, menyusun buku di perpustakaan; the pleats were so ~d that the flaw in the material was hidden, lisu-lisu itu disusun dgn sebegitu rupa sehingga cacat pd kain itu tdk ketara; to ~ a timetable, menyusun jadual waktu; b. (some responsibility etc that needs attention) mengurus: he ~d his business affairs before going abroad, dia mengurus urusan perniagaannya sebelum pergi ke luar negeri; c. (flowers) menggubah, menyusun; d. (hair) mendandan; e. (clothing, part of clothing) membetul-betulkan: she sat down, carefully arranging her skirt, dia duduk dan dgn cermat membetul-betulkan skirtnya; f. (place) menyiapkan: the hall has been ~d for the concert, dewan itu telah disiapkan utk pertunjukan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
double | 3. two, dua: the word is spelt with a ~ “p” and a ~ “l”, perkataan itu dieja dgn dua “p” dan dua “l”; a ~ row of trees, dua baris pokok; 4. (used in speech) twice, [repeat the number mentioned]: my office number is 2,4,8,1,0 ~ 1, nombor telefon pejabat saya ialah 2,4,8,1,0,1,1; 5. intended for two persons, kelamin: a ~ bed, katil kelamin; ~ room, bilik kelamin; 6. in two layers, berlapis: ~ saucepan, periuk berlapis; ~ yarn, yan berlapis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
headline | n 1. heading of news article, tajuk berita; 2. (in pl) summary of news broadcast, tajuk berita; 3. line at top of page, baris kepala; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |