Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : tidak lama dahulu, tidak berapa lama sebelum ini: kita menyokong perbahasan itu dlm Perhimpunan Agung UMNO ~ ini; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata baru-baru ini


Kapal baru tembirang baru,
     Baru sekali masuk Melaka;
Tuan baru saya pun baru,
     Baru sekali berjumpa mata.

Lihat selanjutnya...(177)

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

latterlyadv (fml), /baru-baru, akhir-akhir/ ini: he has only ~ begun to realize his mistake, hanya baru-baru ini dia mula sedar akan kesalahannya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bereavementn /kematian, kehilangan/ + approp n: owing to her recent ~..., krn kematian suaminya baru-baru ini....Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crow 2~ over, a. boast about, berkokok krn: he seems unable to stop ~ing over his recent victory, nampaknya dia tdk dapat berhenti berkokok krn kemenangannya baru-baru ini; b. taunt (so.) with his defeat etc, mengejek: he ~ed over his defeated opponent, dia mengejek lawannya yg tewas itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
drubvt 1. thrash, beat, membantai, membalun; 2. defeat, mengalahkan dgn teruk: he was ~bed in the recent elections, dia dikalahkan dgn teruk dlm pilihan raya baru-baru ini; ~ into so’s head, memasak ke telinga sso;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dislocationn 1. (of bone, joint) terkehel; (tech) dislokasi; 2. act of upsetting order of, tergendala(nya): the ~ of trade caused by the recent war, tergendalanya perdagangan disebabkan oleh peperangan baru-baru ini.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
late3. deceased, (of non-Muslim) mendiang; (of male Muslim) arwah, allahyarham; (of female Muslim) arwah, allahyarhamah; (of male Muslim royalty) almarhum; (of female Muslim royalty) almarhumah: the ~ Elvis Presley, mendiang Elvis Presley; the ~ Sultan, almarhum Sultan; 4. (fml) of recent date, baru-baru ini: during the ~ election..., semasa pilihan raya baru-baru ini...; 5. former, bekas: the photograph shows the ~ governor and the present one, gambar itu menunjukkan bekas gabenor dan gabenor sekarang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fully-fledgedadj 1. (of bird) boleh terbang; 2. (real) sepenuhnya; (fully-trained) terlatih sepenuhnya; (well-established) mantap: what used to be known as the Howard’s Polytechnic, is now a ~ university, yg dahulunya dikenali sbg Howard’s Polytechnic, kini menjadi universiti sepenuhnya; a ~ architect, arkitek yg terlatih sepenuhnya; it was fairly recently that computer science became a ~ academic subject, hanya baru-baru ini sains komputer menjadi mata pelajaran yg mantap.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
attackvt 1. assault physically, menyerang; (country) menyerang, melanggar: the fishing boats were ~ed by pirates, bot-bot nelayan itu diserang oleh lanun; this time they ~ed the goal from the left wing, kali ini mereka menyerang pintu gol dr kawasan sayap kiri; the country was ~ed without warning, negara itu diserang tanpa amaran; 2. criticize adversely, a. (so.) membidas, menyerang: the union leader was ~ed by the newspapers for his recent statement, pemimpin kesatuan sekerja itu dibidas oleh akhbar krn penyataannya baru-baru ini; b. (st) membidas, mengkritik dgn hebat: the Opposition ~ed the bill on several grounds, pihak Pembangkang membidas rang undang-undang itu atas beberapa sebab;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
form4. (gram.) bentuk: the plural ~s of English verbs, bentuk-bentuk jamak kata kerja Inggeris; 5. document to be filled in, borang: an application ~, borang permohonan; to fill in a ~, mengisi borang; 6. series of prescribed actions, ceremony, tatacara: the traditional ~ of the marriage service, tatacara tradisional perkahwinan; 7. class in secondary school, tingkatan; 8. a. (in sport) fitness, ability, kecergasan, ketangkasan: his ~ has deteriorated recently, kecergasannya telah menurun akhir-akhir ini; b. performance, prestasi: judging by recent ~, West Germany should easily win the match tonight, memandangkan prestasinya baru-baru ini, Jerman Barat agaknya akan memenangi perlawanan malam ini dgn mudah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
issuevt 1. send out officially, put into circulation, mengeluarkan; (invitation) menghantar: these new orders were ~d yesterday, perintah baru ini dikeluarkan semalam; a warrant for his arrest has been ~d, waran penangkapannya telah dikeluarkan; to ~ a press release, mengeluarkan siaran akhbar; a commemorative stamp will be ~d to mark the hundredth anniversary of the revolution, setem kenang-kenangan akan dikeluarkan utk memperingati ulang tahun keseratus revolusi tersebut; to ~ new banknotes, mengeluarkan wang kertas baru bank;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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