Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ba.te.ri] | باتري

Definisi : dua sel atau lebih yg disusun secara bersiri atau selari utk menghasilkan daya gerak elektrik: ~ kereta; radio ini mempunyai enam ~; ~ kering bateri elektrik yg terdiri drpd dua atau lebih sel kering;berbateri mempunyai bateri, ada baterinya, menggunakan bateri: lampu picit ~ tiga. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[ba.te.ri] | باتري

Definisi : unit tentera yg dilengkapi dgn meriam dan kenderaan: satu trup ~ telah bergerak ke Pos Legap. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[ba.te.ri] | باتري

Definisi : alat yg dpt mengumpulkan serta mengeluarkan tenaga elektrik secara tindakan kimia. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata bateri

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

batteryn 1. series of connected cells for producing electricity, bateri; 2. set, series of things, a. (arranged together) deret(an): a ~ of knives, deretan pisau; a ~ of boilers, deretan dandang; b. (used together) deretan, barisan: she was nervous as she faced the ~ of cameras, dia berasa gemuruh sewaktu berhadapan dgn deretan kamera; c. (occurring together) rentetan: he responded to the ~ of questions with curt answers, dia menjawab rentetan soalan itu dgn singkat; 3. (leg.) menyerang sentuh; 4. (platform on which guns are mounted) bateri, penyangga meriam; 5. artillery unit, bateri, pasukan meriam; 6. (series of cages for rearing of poultry) sangkar.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dry batteryn bateri kering.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
immobileadj 1. unable to move, tdk dapat bergerak: after removal of the battery the car will be ~, setelah bateri dikeluarkan kereta itu tdk akan dapat bergerak; 2. motionless, terpaku, tdk bergerak-gerak; (of face, feature) aku: the old man sat ~ in his chair, orang tua itu duduk terpaku di kerusinya; her face remained ~, mukanya tetap aku.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
celln 1. small, confining room, sel; the condemned ~, sel orang yg telah dihukum mati; 2. (biol) sel: blood ~s, sel-sel darah; 3. (electr) sel, bateri kering; 4. (polit) sarang: a communist ~, sarang komunis.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fullyadv 1. completely, [various translations]: your question was ~ answered at the last meeting, pertanyaan kamu dijawab sepenuhnya dlm mesyuarat yg lepas; he is still not ~ convinced, dia masih belum benar-benar yakin; a ~ charged battery, bateri yg dicas penuh; you need to depress the clutch ~, kamu perlu menekan cekam habis-habis; have you ~ recovered?, sudahkah kamu betul-betul pulih?; a ~ -trained pilot, juruterbang yg mendapat latihan penuh; 2. at least, sekurang-kurangnya: the meeting lasted ~ three hours, mesyuarat itu berlangsung sekurang-kurangnya tiga jam.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
conservevt 1. keep from being lost, wasted, destroyed, menyimpan; (electricity or apparatus producing it) menjimatkan; (forest etc) memulihara: he ~d his energy for the race, dia menyimpan tenaganya utk perlumbaan itu; we must ~ our natural resources, kita mesti menyimpan sumber semula jadi kita; we switched off the air-conditioner and cassette player to ~ the car battery, kami memadamkan alat hawa dingin dan pemain kaset utk menjimatkan kuasa bateri kereta; the measures taken to ~ our tropical rain forest, langkah-langkah yg diambil utk memelihara hutan hujan tropika kita; 2. preserve by cooking with sugar, membuat jem: to ~ fruits, membuat jem drpd buah-buahan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
attachvt 1. fasten, fix, a. (gen) memasang: to ~ the brackets to the wall, memasang pendakap pd dinding; the hose can be ~ed to the vacuum cleaner, hos itu dapat dipasangkan pd pembersih vakum; b. (by gluing) menggamkan; c. (by sticking on) melekatkan, menampalkan, menempelkan, merekatkan: he ~ed a label to the parcel, dia melekatkan label pd bungkusan itu; d. (by tying) mengikatkan: a price tag has to be ~ed to every dress, tanda harga mesti diikatkan pd setiap baju; e. (by connecting) menyambungkan: the wires that were ~ed to the battery, wayar-wayar yg disambungkan pd bateri; f. (by joining) mencantumkan; (bones) bersendi: when you ~ the skirt to the bodice..., apabila kamu mencantumkan skirt pd badan baju...; the femur is ~ed to the pelvis, tulang femur bersendi dgn tulang pelvis; g. (by appending, annexing) melampirkan, mengepilkan, mengembarkan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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