grotesque | adj 1. strange, bizarre, ganjil, aneh: they laughed at their ~ images in the mirror, mereka ketawa melihat bayang-bayang mereka yg ganjil dlm cermin itu; 2. hideous, sangat hodoh: the creature was ~, makhluk itu sangat hodoh; 3. exaggerated, melampau, keterlaluan: he’d better take back his ~ insinuations about me, baik dia tarik balik sindirannya yg melampau thdp saya; 4. (art) grotes: ~ painting, catan grotes; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impalpable | adj 1. not perceptible to the touch, tdk dapat dipegang: as ~ as the shadows, tdk dpt dipegang spt bayang-bayang; 2. not readily understood, sukar difahami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dappled | adj 1. (of horse, deer, etc) bertelau-telau bulunya; 2. (of shadow, sky, etc) bertelau-telau: the ~ shade of a rambutan tree, bayang-bayang pokok rambutan yg bertelau-telau. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grovel | vi (lie, prostrate os) meniarap, menyungkur: (crawl) merangkak: he ~ed at the feet of the emperor, begging for mercy, dia menyungkur di kaki maharaja memohon dikasihani; there was a shadowy figure ~ling under the bushes, ada bayang-bayang orang merangkak dlm semak itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
image | n 1. likeness of person, thing, esp sculptured, patung; (on coin) replika: beautifully carved ~s of Buddha, patung Buddha yg diukir dgn cantiknya; 2. reflection, optical counterpart of object, a. (produced by mirror etc) bayang-bayang; (tech) imej; b. (produced by lens) imej; (on cinema, television screen, etc) gambar, imej: the ~ on the screen is blurred, gambar di layar perak itu kabur; 3. close likeness, copy, salin tak tumpah; be the (very, spitting, living) ~ of so., salin tak tumpah spt sso: she’s the spitting ~ of her grandmother, dia salin tak tumpah spt neneknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
insubstantial | adj (derog) 1. lacking solidity, firmness, [various translations]: an ~ structure, struktur yg tdk kukuh; ~ meals, makanan yg tdk mengenyangkan; her ankles were delicate and ~, pergelangan kakinya halus dan genting; 2. imaginary, niskala: ~ shadows, bayang-bayang yg niskala. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inkling | n; give so. /an ~, no ~, etc/, /membayang(-bayang)kan, tdk membayang(-bayang)kan, dll/ /sst kpd sso, kpd sso sst/: can you give me an ~?, bolehkah kamu membayangkannya kpd saya?; he gave me no ~ that he was unhappy here, dia tdk membayangkan kpd saya bahawa dia tdk gembira di sini; have /an, no, etc/ ~, tahu, langsung tdk tahu, dll: I didn’t have an ~ what was going on, saya langsung tdk tahu apa yg sedang berlaku; not an ~, sedikit pun tdk tahu: “Have you any idea what he means?” “Not an ~!”, “Tahukah kamu apa yg dimaksudkannya?” “Sedikit pun tdk tahu!”. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
five o’clock shadow | n bayang jambang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |