indrawn | adj; ~ breath, menarik nafas: there were one or two ~ breaths as the contestant prepared to dive into the sea, beberapa orang menarik nafas ketika peserta itu bersedia utk menjunam ke laut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dodge | vt mengelak drpd (+ approp v): he had to ~ several cars as he crossed the road, dia terpaksa mengelak drpd dilanggar beberapa buah kereta ketika melintas jalan itu; to ~ military service, mengelak drpd dikenakan perkhidmatan tentera; he tried to ~ answering the questions, dia mencuba mengelak drpd menjawab soalan-soalan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
insensible | 3. unable to feel, lali: after a few days camping, I became quite ~ to the cold, selepas beberapa hari berkhemah saya menjadi lali thdp cuaca sejuk; he seemed ~ to pain, dia seolah-olah lali thdp rasa sakit; 4. indifferent, tdk /mempedulikan, peduli akan/: he was ~ to her suffering, dia tdk mempedulikan penderitaan gadis itu; 5. imperceptible, tdk ketara: an ~ change, perubahan yg tdk ketara; the ~ movement of the glacier as it moved down the ravine, gerakan glasier yg tdk ketara ketika menuruni gaung itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | give a ~, memberikan petunjuk: I hope you can give me a ~ as to how to act, saya berharap kamu dapat memberikan petunjuk bagaimana saya harus bertindak; have a ~, mendahului yg lain: he had a ~ of several yards when he fell, ketika dia jatuh, dia telah pun mendahului yg lain sejauh beberapa ela; in the ~, mendahului yg lain: in the earlier part of the race, she was in the ~, pd permulaan perlumbaan itu, dia mendahului yg lain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approach | vt 1. come nearer,a. (in space) menghampiri, mendekati, merapati: we are now ~ing the House of Parliament, sekarang kita menghampiri bangunan Parlimen; as the train ~ed the station, the crowd surged forward, ketika kereta api menghampiri stesen, orang ramai berasak-asak ke hadapan; b. (in time) hampir (mencapai), mendekati: he is ~ing sixty, usianya hampir enam puluh tahun; 2. come nearer (in quality, character etc) a. (to a stage in life) hampir, hampir mencapai, mendekati; (to old age, senility) hampir: a boy ~ing adolescence, budak lelaki yg hampir mencapai usia remaja; b. (to a certain state, level), [various translations]: the building is ~ing completion, bangunan itu hampir siap; words that ~ treason, kata-kata yg hampir-hampir merupakan penderhakaan; c. (to so’s level of achievement, ability, etc) menandingi, menyaingi, menyamai: few writers can ~ him as a novelist, hanya beberapa orang saja penulis yg dapat menandinginya sbg novelis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
calm | n 1. absence of wind movement, keadaan (yg) tenang: before and after the earthquake there was a ~ in the air, terdapat keadaan tenang sebelum dan selepas gempa bumi itu; 2. peaceful atmosphere or situation, keadaan /tenang, tenteram/: ~ was resumed after several days, keadaan tenang pulih semula selepas beberapa hari; 3. composure, ketenangan: her ~ in the face of danger, ketenangannya ketika menghadapi bahaya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | ~ off, a. snap off, patah: the branch broke off and fell to the ground, dahan itu patah dan jatuh ke tanah; b. stop abruptly , ( deliberately ) berhenti (dgn tiba-tiba); ( involuntarily ) terhenti: let’s ~ off now and take a rest, mari kita berhenti sekarang dan berehat; the lecturer broke off to admonish some students in the back row, pensyarah itu berhenti dgn tiba-tiba utk menegur beberapa orang penuntut di barisan belakang; he broke off in the middle of a sentence when the door opened, dia terhenti di tengah-tengah percakapannya ketika pintu terbuka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distant | adj 1. far apart, jauh: communication was difficult between the two ~ places, perhubungan adalah sukar antara dua tempat yg jauh itu; 2. far off, jauh: travel to ~ parts, mengembara ke tempat-tempat yg jauh; the ~ stars, bintang-bintang yg jauh; the ~ sound of drums, bunyi gendang yg jauh; 3. away, jauh(nya): they set up a tent a few kilometers ~ from the shore, mereka mendirikan sebuah khemah beberapa kilometer jauhnya dr pantai; 4. far away in time, jauh: at some ~ point in time, pd satu ketika yg jauh pd masa depan; 5. faint, remote, a. (of resemblance) sedikit; b. (of prospect) tipis; c. (of allusion) sipi; d. (of connection) jauh; 6. not closely related, jauh: a ~ relative, saudara jauh; 7. abstracted, vacant, jauh: a ~ look, pandangan yg jauh; 8. reserved, aloof, dingin, tdk mesra: a ~ manner, gaya yg dingin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |