fashion | /after, in/ a ~, begitu-begitu sahaja: he can play the piano after a ~, dia boleh bermain piano begitu-begitu sahaja; she’s kind, after a ~, dia baik hati , begitu-begitu sahaja; after the ~ of, mengikut gaya + approp n: novels after the ~ of Jane Austen, novel mengikut gaya tulisan Jane Austen; be all the ~, sangat popular; /be in, come into/ ~, menjadi fesyen; /be, go/ out of ~, tdk menjadi fesyen lagi; /man, woman/ of ~, /lelaki, wanita/ yg mengikut fesyen; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
as | (just) ~... so..., sebagaimana... begitu(lah) juga...: just ~ you like a cigarette in the morning, so I enjoy my cup of tea, sebagaimana kamu suka menghisap rokok pd waktu pagi, begitu juga saya suka minum teh; so...~..., a. sometimes such...~..., (indic consequence) (se)begitu [adj] (se) hingga: the film was so moving ~ to have half the audience in tears, filem itu begitu mengharukan hingga separuh drpd penonton menitiskan air mata; you would surely not be so foolish ~ to attempt an escape, kamu tentu tdk begitu bodoh hingga mahu mencuba melarikan diri; b. (indic purpose) supaya: I put the chair near the window so ~ to be able to see the whole garden, kerusi itu saya letakkan dekat jendela supaya saya dapat melihat seluruh taman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ecstatic | adj 1. in state of ecstasy, /amat, sangat, sungguh, begitu/ gembira: he was ~ over his win, dia begitu gembira dgn kemenangannya; 2. causing ecstasy, /amat, sangat, sungguh, begitu/ menggembirakan: ~ news, berita yg amat menggembirakan; 3. showing ecstasy, gembira: ~ applause, tepuk sorak gembira. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
high-handed | adj begitu angkuh: ~ acts of oppression, perbuatan menindas yg begitu angkuh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grudging | adj unwilling, dgn begitu berat (hati): a ~ admission, pengakuan yg dibuat dgn begitu berat hati; be ~ of /praise, thanks, etc/, /sukar, susah benar/ /memberi pujian, berterima kasih, dll/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glaringly | adv /amat, begitu/ nyata: it is ~ obvious that they hate one another, memang begitu nyata mereka membenci antara satu sama lain. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
effrontery | have the ~ to, begitu /kurang ajar, lancang, berani/ [v]: he had the ~ to demand more money!, begitu berani dia meminta wang lagi!. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disparate | adj (fml) /sangat, begitu/ berbeza, berbeza sama sekali: two such ~ views, dua pendapat yg begitu berbeza. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alone | /leave, let/ well (enough) ~, membiarkan begitu (sahaja): the children were making an awful lot of noise in the bedroom, but they were so happy, that I decided to leave well ~, anak-anak itu sedang bising di bilik tidur, tetapi mereka begitu gembira sehingga saya memutuskan lebih baik membiarkan begitu; let ~, apalagi: she can’t even stand yet, let ~ walk, berdiri pun dia belum dapat, apalagi berjalan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inseparably | adv (rel to relationship) begitu [adj] hingga tdk boleh /berpisah, bercerai/: the twins are ~ close, kembar itu begitu rapat hingga tdk boleh berpisah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |