blemished | adj 1. cacat: ~ by small-pox, cacat bekas-bekas cacar; 2. (fig.) tercela, tercemar: a ~ reputation, nama baik yg tercela. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
find | b. become independent, (dapat) berdikari: the organization helps ex-convicts to ~ their feet again, organisasi itu membantu bekas-bekas banduan utk berdikari semula; c. become confident in new surroundings, (mula) bertapak: I’ve only been here for a few weeks so I’m still ~ing my feet, saya di sini baru beberapa minggu, jadi saya masih belum bertapak lagi; ~ it in /os, o’s heart/, (to do st), (force os to do st) memujuk hati, memaksa diri; (bear to do st) tergamak, sampai hati: we ought to be able to ~ it in ourselves to forgive our enemies, kita sepatutnya dapat memujuk hati utk memaafi musuh kita; he had always worked very well and McGregor could not ~ it in his heart to dismiss him, dia sentiasa bekerja dgn baik dan McGregor tdk sampai hati utk memecatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dent | vt 1. melekukkan; (metallic surface) mengemikkan, memesukkan: the tracks of horses’ hoofs ~ed the road, bekas-bekas tapak kaki kuda melekukkan permukaan jalan itu; 2. (fig.) menjejaskan: nothing will ~ his self-esteem, tiada apa yg dapat menjejaskan harga dirinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ex- | pref former, bekas: ~president, bekas presiden. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dissent | n 1. vessel for holding or serving food, mangkuk, bekas: vegetable ~, mangkuk sayur; baking ~, bekas bakar; butter ~, bekas mentega; 2. (in pl) crockery, pinggan mangkuk; 3. (food) masakan: he asked me to cook him his favourite ~, dia menyuruh saya memasak masakan kegemarannya untuknya; cold ~, hidangan sejuk; 4. dish-shaped receptacle, ceper, piring: petri ~, ceper petri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ex2 | n (colloq) bekas + approp n: I am still friendly with my ~, saya masih berbaik dgn bekas suami saya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bin | n 1. receptacle for grain, coal, etc, bekas; 2. bread-bin, bekas roti; 3. dustbin, tong sampah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
examine | vt 1. inspect, scrutinize, investigate, memeriksa; (idea, proposal, plan, claim, etc) meneliti, memeriksa: an auditor will ~ the books, seorang juruaudit akan memeriksa akaun itu; an expert ~d the painting to find out if it was genuine, pakar memeriksa lukisan itu utk memastikan sama ada lukisan itu asli atau tidak; the doctor ~d the patient carefully, doktor memeriksa pesakit itu dgn teliti; the police ~d the car for fingerprints, polis memeriksa kereta itu utk mencari bekas-bekas jari; the Government’s proposal will be ~d by a Parliamentary Committee, usul kerajaan akan diperiksa oleh jawatankuasa Parlimen; 2. question (witness) in court, memeriksa; 3. test knowledge, ability of, menguji: the pupils were ~d in English and Mathematics, murid-murid diuji dlm bahasa Inggeris dan Matematik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bruise | n a. (on person), (bekas) lebam: his body was covered with ~s, badannya lebam-lebam; b. (on fruit), (bekas) lebam, memar: the peach has a small ~, pic itu memar sedikit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
imprint | n 1. mark made, a. (by pressure) kesan, bekas: you could see the ~ of fingers on the woman’s neck, kita dapat melihat bekas jari pd leher wanita itu; b. (by printing, stamping) cap, lambang: the seal bore the ~ of a crown and a star, terdapat lambang mahkota dan bintang pd tera itu; 2. distinguishing or characteristic mark, [various translations]: the experience had left its ~ on our thinking, pengalaman itu meninggalkan kesan pd pemikiran ita; the work carries the ~ of genius, drpd karya itu kita tahu bahawa penulisnya ialah orang yg sangat bijak; the ~ of suffering on his face, tanda penderitaan pd mukanya; 3. (printing) imprin: printer’s ~, imprin pencetak; publisher’s ~, imprin penerbit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |