employ | n; in /so’s ~, the ~ of so./, bekerja dgn sso: he has five men in his ~, ada lima orang bekerja dengannya; while he was in the ~ of the government, semasa dia bekerja dgn kerajaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chauffeur | vi bekerja sbg /drebar, pemandu/: he ~s for the minister, dia bekerja sbg drebar menteri itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
employment | n 1. giving work to, usu for payment, penggajian, pengambilan [sso] utk bekerja, guna tenaga: the ~ of children in factories is forbidden, pengambilan kanak-kanak utk bekerja di kilang adalah dilarang; 2. occupation, pekerjaan: to give ~ to so., memberikan pekerjaan kpd sso;be in ~, bekerja; be out of ~, tdk bekerja; 3. making use of, penggunaan: the ~ of modern irrigation methods has increased production, penggunaan kaedah-kaedah pengairan moden telah menambah pengeluaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
begin | ~ as, mula bekerja sbg: a businessman who ~ life as a labourer, ahli perniagaan yg mula bekerja sbg buruh kasar; ~ school, mula /masuk sekolah, bersekolah; /can’t, don’t/ even ~ [infin], sama sekali tdk dapat [v] : I can’t even ~ to understand all these details, saya sama sekali tdk dapat memahami semua perincian ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
join | keputusan utk menjadi ahli UMNO; c. (place of employment), (mula) bekerja di: she was eighteen when she ~ed the firm, dia berusia lapan belas tahun semasa mula bekerja di syarikat itu; Mr Ragunathan will be ~ing us as a junior partner, Encik Ragunathan akan bekerja di syarikat ini sbg rakan kongsi rendah; 5. take part in (activity), (ber)sama-sama: let’s ~ in the fun, mari kita sama-sama bergembira; why don’t you ~ us for a drink?, marilah minum bersama-sama kami; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
employ | be ~ed, be working for, bekerja: he is ~ed in a merchant bank, dia bekerja di sebuah bank saudagar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harness | n (for animal) abah-abah; in ~, (fig.) a. doing o’s usual job, bekerja: he enjoyed being back in ~, dia gembira dapat bekerja semula; b. closely together, bersama-sama; /work, run/ in double ~, in close partnership, bekerja bersama-sama: we were working in double ~ on the project, kami bekerja bersama-sama dlm projek itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | b. be less active, tdk bekerja kuat-kuat: he should ~ slow as he is not fully recovered, dia sepatutnya tdk bekerja kuat-kuat oleh sebab dia belum sembuh betul; ~ to it, buat bersungguh-sungguh; be ~ing to, (expressing intention of future action) akan: they’re ~ing to arrest him, mereka akan menangkapnya; I am ~ing to win this time, saya akan menang kali ini; anything ~es, (colloq) apa pun boleh; from the word ~, sejak mula lagi: the project was a failure from | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
have | ~ so. in, ada sso sedang bekerja: I can’t come round today, I’ve got the plumbers in, saya tdk dapat datang hari ini, ada tukang paip sedang bekerja; ~ st in, mempunyai (bekalan) sst (di rumah): ~ we got enough beer in for the party?, adakah kita mempunyai bekalan bir yg cukup di rumah utk majlis itu?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
labour | vi 1. work hard, strive for st, bekerja /bertungkus-lumus, keras/: he ~ed from dawn until dark to get the harvest in, dia bekerja keras dr subuh hingga ke senja utk menuai dan mengumpulkan hasil tanaman; 2. a. advance with difficulty, bersusah payah + approp v; (of car) merangkak; (of ship) berhempas pulas: she ~ed up the stairs carrying two suitcases, dia bersusah payah memanjat tangga dgn membawa dua buah beg pakaian; the ship ~ed through the stormy seas, kapal itu berhempas-pulas menempuh lautan yg bergelora; b. struggle, bergelut: students ~ing through a chemistry exam, penuntut-penuntut yg sedang bergelut menghadapi ujian kimia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |