lapse | 2. come to an end, become void, luput: on his death the title ~d, apabila beliau meninggal gelarannya luput; tradition can ~ for many reasons, tradisi boleh luput krn beberapa banyak sebab; 3. (of time) pass, slip, berlalu: an hour ~d before we even realized it, kami tdk sedar masa telah berlalu sejam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hers | poss pron what belongs to her, a. (gen) approp n + /nya, dia /; b. (respectful) approp n + beliau; (ref to sovereign ruler or ex-ruler, king’s consort) approp n + baginda: it had been ~ for a long time but the new government has declared the land state property, tanah ini milik baginda sejak lama dahulu tetapi kerajaan baru telah mengisytiharkannya sbg harta kerajaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
charge | leave so. in ~, menyerahkan tanggungjawab kpd sso: put so. in ~, mempertanggungjawabkan sso (+ approp v): I’ll put her in ~ of reception, saya akan mempertanggungjawabkan beliau menguruskan sambutan; take ~ of, menjaga, mengambil tanggungjawab (+ approp v): since there’s no one else who is qualified, she’ll take ~ of the department herself, oleh sebab tdk ada sesiapa yg layak, dia sendiri akan mengambil tanggungjawab mengawasi bahagian itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guard | vt 1. a. watch over or protect (so.) mengawal, menjaga keselamatan: soldiers ~ the prince wherever he goes, askar-askar menjaga keselamatan putera raja itu ke mana saja beliau pergi; b. watch over (st) mengawal; (colloq) menjaga: four armed policemen ~ed the gold consignment, empat orang polis yg bersenjata mengawal konsainan emas itu; the dog can ~ the house, anjing itu boleh menjaga rumah; c. protect (secret, reputation, etc) menjaga: he ~ed his reputation jealously, dia menjaga nama baiknya dgn penuh waspada; 2. watch over so as to prevent from escaping, mengawal: the dangerous prisoner was closely ~ed, banduan yg berbahaya itu dikawal rapi; 3. control entry, exit at certain point, menjaga, mengawal: the entrance is well ~ed, pintu masuk itu dikawal rapi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brevity | n 1. a brief time, singkatnya, pendeknya: the ~ of human life, singkatnya hayat manusia; 2. conciseness, keringkasan: the ~ of his speech, ringkasnya ucapan beliau. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
he | pron 1. (replacing name of male person referred to) a. [as subj of act. v] dia: ~ wrote a letter to the manager, dia menulis surat kpd pengurus; b. [as agent of pass. v] nya: the letter which ~ wrote ..., surat yg ditulisnya; 2. (respectful, for distinguished male person) a. (gen) beliau: I would like to speak to the Vice-Chancellor, if ~ has time, saya ingin berjumpa dgn Naib Canselor, kalau beliau ada waktu; b. (for sovereign ruler or ex-ruler, crown prince, prophet of Islam, caliph) baginda: when he Emperor of Japan visited the factory, ~ was impressed, sewaktu Maharaja Jepun melawat ke kilang tersebut, baginda sangat tertawan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
her | pron 1. (poss. form of ‘she’) nya, dia; (ref to animal or inanimate thing) nya: ~ children, anak-anaknya; ~ car, kereta dia; ~ life-style, cara hidupnya; the tigress and ~ cubs, harimau dgn anak-anaknya; 2. (as object of v or prep) nya, dia; (ref to animal or inanimate thing) nya: I told ~ the truth, saya memberitahunya perkara yg sebenar; they bought a present for ~, mereka membeli hadiah untuknya; 3. (respectful) a. (gen) beliau: we’ve discussed this matter with the ambassadress and ~ officials, kita telah berbincang dgn duta besar dan pegawai-pegawai beliau; b. (ref to sovereign ruler or ex-ruler, king’s consort) baginda; 4. (colloq) she, dia: it was ~ I saw last night, dialah yg saya nampak malam tadi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
his | pron 1. ( poss. form of “he”) a. (gen) nya, dia: ~ essay won the prize, eseinya memenangi hadiah itu; Shakespeare is better known for ~ plays than ~ poetry, Shakespeare lebih dikenali krn dramanya drpd puisinya; b. (respectful) beliau; (ref to sovereign ruler or ex-ruler, queen’s consort, Muslim prophet, caliph) baginda; c. (ref to animal or inanimate thing) nya; 2. what belongs to him, approp n + /nya, dia/: this is my book, not ~, ini buku saya, bukan buku dia; he can take back whatever is ~, dia boleh ambil balik apa saja miliknya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
communicate | vt 1. impart, menyampaikan; (feeling) menyatakan, memberitahukan: he is able to ~ his ideas clearly, dia dapat menyampaikan buah fikirannya dgn jelas; through his Press Secretary the President ~d his concern for the well-being of the refugees, melalui Setiausaha Akhbarnya, Presiden itu menyatakan bahawa beliau mengambil berat ttg kebajikan orang-orang pelarian itu; 2. transmit, menjangkitkan: in crowded, overpopulated areas, diseases are easily ~d, dlm kawasan yg sesak dan mempunyai penduduk yg berlebihan, penyakit mudah dijangkitkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
install , (US) instal | vt 1. fix (machine, device, etc) in position, memasang: the washing machine has not been ~ed yet, mesin basuh belum dipasang lagi; 2. place in position of authority, melantik secara rasmi: he was ~ed as Governor of Malacca, beliau dilantik secara rasmi sbg Yang Dipertua Negeri Melaka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |