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Kata Terbitan : berkahwin,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

single ~ girl, wanita yg belum berkahwin: those days, ~ girls were expected to stay at home, pd zaman itu, wanita-wanita yg belum berkahwin dikehendaki duduk di rumah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
maidenadj 1. spinster, belum berkahwin: my ~ aunt is a remarkable old lady, emak saudara saya yg tua dan belum berkahwin itu sangat istimewa; 2. first time that st is done, sulung: ~ speech, ucapan sulung; theKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
unattached2. not joined, tdk bercantum: the hose was ~ to the pipe, hos itu tdk bercantum dgn paip; 3. not married or engaged, belum /berkahwin, bertunang/: an ~ young man, pemuda yg belum berkahwin.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
tie4. restriction, terikat, ikatan: he is unmarried and without ~s, dia belum berkahwin dan tdk mempunyai ikatan; she finds the children a ~, dia mendapati dirinya terikat dgn anak-anaknya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
beb. (involuntary) ter- [v root]: he was shot dead while hunting, dia tertembak mati sewaktu berburu; five people were killed in the accident, lima orang terbunuh dlm kemalangan itu; 3. (with pp, indic state), [various translations]: the clinic was closed when I got there, klinik itu sudah tutup sewaktu saya sampai; my sister is not married, adik perempuan saya belum berkahwin; I am convinced that..., saya yakin bahawa...;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
beit was not to ~, tdk jadi: they were supposed to be married, but it was not to ~, mereka sepatutnya berkahwin tetapi tdk jadi; 11. travel to, visit, [various translations]: I’ve never been in that theatre, saya belum pernah masuk ke panggung itu; has the doctor been?, sudahkah doktor datang?; where have you been?, ke mana engkau (tadi)?; he’s been and gone, tadi dia di sini tetapi sekarang sudah pergi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
oldbe as ~ as so., sebaya dgn sso, /umur, usia/ [sso] sama dgn /umur, usia/ sso: she is as ~ as my sister, dia sebaya dgn adik saya; so. is ~ enough (to do st) cukup + approp adj or n: you’re ~ enough to wash your own clothes now, sekarang kamu sudah cukup besar utk membasuh sendiri baju kamu; she’s not ~ enough to get married, dia belum cukup umur utk berkahwin;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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