deaf | adj pekak, tuli; (temporarily) bengang, bengap, bengal: to be ~ in one ear, pekak sebelah; I’m still ~ from travelling in the plane, telinga saya masih bengap krn penerbangan tadi; be ~ to, /memekakkan, menulikan/ telinga [sso] thdp, sengaja tdk mahu mendengar: he is ~ to all her suggestions, dia memekakkan telinganya pd segala cadangan gadis itu; turn a ~ ear to, memekakkan telinga thdp, tdk menghiraukan: he turned a ~ ear to my pleas, dia memekakkan telinga thdp rayuan saya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dull | 3. not bright, rather dark, (of colour) suram, sebam; (of light) suram, buram: the ~ yellow of old gold, warna kuning suram emas lama; there was a ~ glow in the night sky, terdapat cahaya suram di langit malam; 4. overcast, suram: the sky was ~ all day, langit suram sepanjang hari; 5. not clear, bengap, tdk jelas: there was a ~ thud as the bag of rice fell to the floor, kedengaran bunyi bengap apabila kampit beras itu jatuh ke lantai; ~ of hearing, lemah pendengaran; 6. blunt, tumpul, majal: the ~ edge of the knife, mata pisau yg tumpul; 7. (of pain, ache) not sharp, tdk mencucuk; 8. slow in understanding, learning, etc, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dead | adj 1. no longer living, a. (gen ), (sudah, telah) mati: ~ trees, pokok-pokok yg sudah mati; ~ insects, serangga mati; ~ wood, kayu mati; b. (of person), /sudah, telah/ /meninggal dunia, mati/; (of royalty), /sudah, telah/ mangkat; (of prophet), /sudah, telah/ wafat; (coarse), /sudah, telah/ /mampus, kojol/; c. (of flower), /sudah, telah/ layu; d. (of leaf) kering; 2. inanimate, tdk bernyawa: ~ matter, benda yg tdk bernyawa; 3. numb, kebas: his fingers are ~ with cold, jari-jarinya kebas krn kesejukan; 4. (of sound) bengap, benak, pekak: the ~ sound of the coin as it hit the floor, bunyi bengap syiling itu ketika jatuh ke lantai; 5. (of colour) usam, kusam, pekat: ~ black, warna hitam usam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deafen | vt 1. ( permanently), (act.) membuat [sso] /pekak, tuli/; (pass.) menjadi /pekak, tuli/: the explosion ~ed her for life, letupan itu membuatnya pekak seumur hidup; 2. (of loud noise, temporarily), a. (for its duration), (act.) memekakkan, membingitkan; (pass.) bingit telinga: they were ~ed by the loud music, bingit telinga mereka oleh bunyi muzik yg kuat itu; b. (after it has ceased), (act.) membengangkan, membengapkan, membengalkan; (pass.), (menjadi) /bengang, bengap, bengal/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |