broadcast | adj tabur: ~ seeds, biji benih tabur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
broadcast | adv secara menabur: seeds sown ~, biji benih yg disemai secara menabur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harrow | vt use a harrow on, menyikat: to ~ the land before sowing the seeds, menyikat tanah sebelum menyemai biji benih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grow | vi 1. issue and develop, a. (of plant) tumbuh: plants that ~ from seeds, tumbuh-tumbuhan yg tumbuh drpd biji benih; mangoes ~ well in warm climates, pokok mangga tumbuh dgn subur dlm cuaca panas; our rambutan tree has ~n to an immense size, pokok rambutan kami telah tumbuh menjadi amat besar; b. (of hair, nail, etc) tumbuh: it won’t be long before your hair ~s again, tdk lama lagi rambut kamu akan tumbuh semula; the roots have ~n about 6 inches long, akarnya telah tumbuh 6 inci panjang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | cause st to be sent out by force of air, wind, [various translations]: the chimney blew out clouds of smoke, serombong itu mengeluarkan kepulan-kepulan asap; the wind blew the seeds out, angin menerbangkan biji-biji benih itu keluar; b. extinguish by force of air, wind, memadamkan: she blew out the candle, dia memadamkan lilin itu; c. dissipate (itself) reda: we will have to stay here until the storm ~s itself out, kita terpaksa tinggal di sini sehingga ribut reda; ~ /so’s, o’s/ brains out, menembak kepala sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fail | 4. be unable, neglect (to do st), tidak, gagal, [sometimes tdk dapat]; (in negative construction), [no specif translation]: he had ~ed to turn off the gas, dia tidak menutup gas; some of the seeds ~ed to germinate, sesetengah biji benih tidak tumbuh; to ~ to obtain any information, gagal mendapatkan sebarang maklumat; the crane ~ed to haul the sunken boat up, kren itu tdk dapat menarik keluar perahu yg karam; an answer which cannot ~ to please him, jawapan yg pasti akan menyenangkan hatinya; I shall not ~ to do so, saya pasti akan berbuat demikian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | 15. (indic arrangement, shape, form) dalam: they stood about ~ twos and threes, mereka berdiri dalam kumpulan berdua dan bertiga; the eggs are packed ~ dozens, telur itu dijual dalam pek sedozen; to sit ~ a circle, duduk dalam bentuk bulatan; seedlings planted ~ neat rows, anak benih yg ditanam dalam barisan yg emas; the work is ~ three volumes, karya itu dalam tiga jid; the water shot up ~ a fountain, air mencurat keluar dalam bentuk air pancut; ~ /fives, tens, etc/, (of things) dua-dua, tiga-tiga, dll: pack the cigarettes ~ tens, bungkus rokok itu sepuluh-sepuluh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | regulation, tdk ada jalan bagi mereka utk memintasi peraturan itu; e. persuade ( do st) memujuk: can you ~ round your sister to lend us her video cassette recorder?, bolehkah kamu memujuk kakakmu utk meminjami kita perakam videonya?; ~ round to doing st, meluangkan masa utk + approp v: I shall plant the seedlings as soon as I can ~ round to doing it, saya akan menanam anak benih itu sebaik saja saya dapat meluangkan masa utk membuatnya; he never got round to writing that letter, dia tdk dapat meluangkan masa utk menulis surat itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cross | 3. place across each other, menyilangkan: she ~ed her legs when she sat down, dia duduk sambil menyilangkan kakinya; 4. draw line(s) across, memalang: to ~ a cheque, memalang cek; 5. interbreed, mengacukkan: to ~ the rice strains, mengacukkan benih padi; 6. (thwart), menghalang; (oppose) melawan: he ~ed me in everything I tried to do, dia menghalang saya dlm sebarang usaha yg hendak saya lakukan; father will get very angry if you ~ him, ayah akan menjadi sangat marah jika kamu melawannya; 7. meet and pass, berselisih: our letters must have ~ed in the post, surat-surat kami mesti telah berselisih dlm perjalanan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ up, a. come upstairs, naik; b. come to or above surface of water, timbul: to ~ up for air, timbul utk menyedut udara; c. rise (of sun) terbit; d. grow, tumbuh: the sunflowers I sowed last week have not ~ up yet, biji benih bunga matahari yg saya semai minggu lalu belum tumbuh lagi; e. happen, [no specif translation]; (when subj is not specified) berlaku, terjadi: to wait for an opportunity to ~ up, menunggu peluang; should a vacancy ~ up within the next few weeks..., sekiranya ada kekosongan dlm dua tiga minggu ini...; you look worried. Has anything ~ up?, kamu kelihatan risau. Ada apa-apa yg terjadi?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |