century | n abad, kurun: in the twentieth ~, dlm abad kedua puluh; for centuries, berabad-abad (lamanya): the Ming Dynasty ruled China for centuries, Dinasti Ming memerintah negara China berabad-abad lamanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
undiscovered | adj not found, tdk /dijumpai, ditemui/: the manuscript lay ~ in the vault for centuries, manuskrip itu tdk dijumpai dlm bilik bawah tanah berabad-abad lamanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
concord | n 1. (fml) friendly relationship between people, nations, etc, kerukunan: nations that have lived in ~ for centuries, negara-negara yg hidup dlm kerukunan berabad-abad lamanya; 2. treaty, perjanjian: the ~ ended the dispute, perjanjian itu mengakhiri perbalahan; 3. (mus) konkord; 4. (gram.) konkord. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
peacefully | adv in a peaceful way, dgn aman (damai); (doing st) secara aman: the people there have lived ~ side by side for centuries, penduduk di situ hidup bersama-sama dgn aman damai selama berabad-abad; the strike was settled ~, mogok itu diselesaikan secara aman; died ~, mati dgn tenang; sleep ~, tidur nyenyak: he slept ~ all night, dia tidur nyenyak sepanjang malam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |