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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata berakhir 1

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

concludevi 1. end, berakhir, tamat, selesai; (of theatrical season etc) berakhir: the play ~s with the death of its hero, drama itu berakhir dgn kematian wiranya; the meeting will ~ at 10 o’clock, mesyuarat itu akan berakhir pd pukul 10; 2. finish (what one is saying) mengakhiri + approp n : perhaps I should ~ on a more optimistic note, mungkin saya harus mengakhiri ucapan saya dgn nada yg lebih optimistik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
finishvi 1. come to an end, a. (of organized event) tamat, berakhir, selesai; (colloq) habis: at what time will the meeting ~?, pukul berapa mesyuarat akan tamat?; the party didn’t ~ until midnight, majlis itu hanya berakhir pd tengah malam; b. (ref to period of time or st regarded as such) tamat, berakhir; (colloq) habis: the academic year ~es in April, tahun akademik berakhir pd bulan April; his contract ~es at the end of the month, kontraknya berakhir hujung bulan ini; c. (of work, activity) selesai; (colloq) habis: the final payment will be made as soon as work on the building ~es, bayaran terakhir akan dibuat sebaik sahaja kerja pembinaan bangunan itu selesai; filming ~ed a few days ago, penggambaran selesai beberapa hari lalu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
abruptadj 1. sudden, tiba-tiba, mendadak; (of corner, turn, etc) tajam: an ~ change in the weather, perubahan cuaca yg tiba-tiba; come to an ~ end, tiba-tiba (sahaja) /berakhir, tamat, selesai/, /berakhir, tamat, selesai/ dgn tiba-tiba; come to an ~ /halt, stop/, tiba-tiba (sahaja) berhenti, berhenti dgn /tiba-tiba, mendadak/ (sahaja); 2. brusque, kasar: an ~ reply, jawapan yg kasar; an ~ manner of speaking, gaya pertuturan yg agak kasar; 3. Disconnected, tdk lancar, terputus-putus: an ~ style of writing, gaya penulisan yg tdk lancar; 4. steep, curam: an ~ descent, jalan turun yg curam.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
closen 1. enclosed grounds, kawasan yg berkepung: the cathedral ~, kawasan gereja yg berkepung; 2. (in street names) solok: Eaton C~, Solok Eaton; 3. conclusion, berakhir(nya): he brought the negotiations to a satisfactory ~, dia menyelenggarakan rundingan itu hingga berakhir dgn memuaskan; draw to a ~, berakhir;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
adjournvi 1. suspend proceedings for later resumption, ditangguhkan, ditunda: Parliament has ~ed for the Hari Raya holidays, persidangan Parlimen telah ditangguhkan selama cuti Hari Raya; 2. end, berakhir: the meeting ~ed at 5.00 p.m., mesyuarat itu berakhir pd pukul 5.00 petang; 3. move or go elsewhere, beredar: the guests ~ed to the verandah, para tetamu beredar ke beranda;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
finishn 1. last stage or part, bahagian /akhir, penghabisan/: I missed the ~ of the football match, saya tdk melihat bahagian penghabisan perlawanan bola sepak itu; 2. end, berakhir: it was a very close ~ between Cramm, Ovett and Said Aouita, perlumbaan antara Cramm, Ovett dan Said Aouita berakhir dgn saingan rapat antara mereka; 3. appearance, texture, etc of surface, kemasan: a 19th-century piano with a beautiful ~, piano kurun ke-19 yg kemasannya cantik sekali;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
endingn 1. act of bringing to an end, berakhirnya, tamatnya: the concert marked the ~ of the school term, konsert itu menandakan berakhirnya penggal sekolah; 2. last part of book, film, etc, penghabisan; have a /happy, sad, etc/ ~, berakhir dgn /kegembiraan, kesedihan, dsb/: the story has a happy ~, cerita itu berakhir dgn kegembiraan; 3. (gram.) akhiran.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
conclusionn 1. (end, termination) tamat, berakhir, selesai; (closing part) bahagian akhir; (of book, speech, etc) kesimpulan; in ~, akhir sekali, sebagai penutup; 2. deduction, kesimpulan; /come to, reach/ a ~, membuat kesimpulan; draw a ~, membuat kesimpulan; jump to ~s, membuat kesimpulan dgn tergesa-gesa; 3. act of arranging and setting, a. (agreement, treaty, etc) pengikatan: the ~ of the trade agreement with Bulgaria, pengikatan perjanjian perdagangan dgn Bulgaria; b. (sale, deal, negotiation, etc) pencapaian persetujuan dlm; c. (alliance) pembentukan, d. (compromise) pencapaian.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
closevi 1. be shut, a. (gen) tertutup: the door ~d quietly behind her, pintu itu tertutup perlahan-lahan di belakangnya; b. (of eyes) pejam, tertutup: his eyes ~d, matanya pejam; 2. be declared not open to the public, ditutup: the shop ~s at seven, kedai itu ditutup pd pukul tujuh; the factory ~d years ago, kilang itu ditutup beberapa tahun yg lalu; 3. conclude, tamat, berakhir: the play ~s with a dramatic scene, drama itu tamat dgn satu adegan yg hebat; the meeting ~d with a vote of thanks, mesyuarat itu berakhir dgn ucapan terima kasih; 4. (in Stock Exchange) ditutup: rubber ~d two points down, pasaran saham getah ditutup kurang dua mata;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blow1~ over, a. reda: the storm should soon ~ over, ribut itu akan reda tdk lama lagi; b. (fig.) berakhir, berlalu; (of scandal, controversy) tdk hangat lagi: the scandal will ~ over in a few months, skandal itu tdk hangat lagi dlm beberapa bulan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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