fuck | ~ off, berambus; (less strong) pergi, nyah: look, I just don’t want to see you anymore, so just ~ off, will you?, dengar sini, saya dah tak mahu jumpa dgn kamu lagi, jadi silalah berambus!; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hell | get the ~ out of here, a. get out, berambus; b. run off quickly, cabut; give so. (merry) ~, (colloq), /teruk, seksa/ sso dibuat oleh: the boss gave him ~ this morning, pagi ini teruk dia dibuat oleh bosnya; (go) to ~, (colloq), (pergi) jahanam; like ~, (colloq) a. very hard, fast, etc, bagai nak gila: we worked like ~ all week, kami bekerja bagai nak gila sepanjang minggu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jolly | adv (UK), (colloq) betul(-betul): it’s ~ hot today, panas betul hari ini; a ~ good singer, seorang penyanyi yg betul-betul pandai bernyanyi; ~ well, [not translated]: it ~ well serves them right!, padan muka mereka!; I ~ well told him to get lost, saya suruh dia berambus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
devil | a ~ of a, (colloq), [no specif translation]: we had a ~ of a time trying to convince her, teruk kami hendak meyakinkan dia; a ~ of a car, hebat betul kereta itu; between the ~ and the deep blue sea, dlm keadaan ditelan mati emak, diludahkan mati bapa; go to the ~, a. be damned, pergi jahanam; b. go away, berambus; like the ~, see HELL (like hell); lucky ~, bertuah betul; play the ~ with, see HELL (play hell with); poor ~, [no specif translation]: the poor ~ had lost all his money, kasihan dia, habis duit dia hilang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |