fullness | n 1. condition of being satiated, penuh(nya), kekenyangan: he had an uncomfortable feeling of ~ after the meal, dia berasa tdk selesa krn perutnya penuh selepas makan; 2. (of part of person’s body) kemontokan, montok, penuh: the gathers emphasised the ~ of her breasts, kedut-kedut itu menyerlahkan kemontokan buah dadanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extravagant | 4. exaggerated, berlebih-lebihan, keterlaluan, melampau(-lampau): the review was full of ~ praise, ulasan itu penuh dgn pujian yg keterlaluan; having made such ~ claims for their latest product, the company was greatly embarrassed when it fell short of expectations, setelah membuat dakwaan yg berlebih-lebihan ttg keluaran terbaru mereka, syarikat itu berasa amat malu apabila keluaran tersebut tdk seperti yg dijangka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |