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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata berasak 1

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

pile 1 vi berasak-asak, bersesak-sesak: the children ~d into the back of the car, kanak-kanak itu berasak-asak masuk ke tempat duduk belakang kereta; after the game hundreds of spectators ~ out of the stadium, selepas perlawanan itu, beratus-ratus penonton berasak-asak keluar dr stadium;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
press 1vi 1. (of crowd, people) mass, mill around, berasak-asak, berhimpit-himpit: thousands of people ~ed around him as he left the train, beribu-ribu orang berasak-asak di sekelilingnya sebaik saja dia turun dr kereta api itu; the crowd ~ed forward to get a better view, orang ramai berasak-asak ke depan supaya dapat melihat dgn jelas lagi; 2. make repeated and urgent request, mendesak, menggesa: the people are ~ing for reforms, orang ramai sedang mendesak supaya perubahan dapat dilakukan; he ~ed for a review of the tariff structure, dia mendesak supaya susunan tarif dapat disemak semula;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pile 1 ~ onto st, berasak-asak menaiki sst: at the station, they ~d onto the first train to come into the station, di stesen, mereka berasak-asak menaiki kereta api pertama yg masuk stesen; ~ st onto so., membebankan sst kpd sso: too much work has been ~d onto her and she’s finding it difficult to cope, terlalu banyak kerja telah dibebankan kepadanya dan dia mendapati sukar utk menyelesaikannya; ~ st onto st, see~st on st;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pile 1 ~ into, a. crowd into, masuk /bersesak-sesak, berasak-asak/ ke: as soon as the guards opened the doors, the people ~d into the auditorium, sebaik sahaja pengawal membuka pintu, orang ramai masuk berasak-asak ke auditorium; b. pitch into, bersama-sama + approp v: we’ve all got to ~ into this work right away if it’s to get finished in time, kita semua mesti bersama-sama membuat kerja ini sekarang juga supaya selesai pd waktunya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crushvi 1. become crumpled, renyuk, ronyok: silk ~es easily, kain sutera mudah renyuk; 2. press, move forward by squeezing or crowding, berasak-asak, berhimpit-himpit: they all tried to ~ through the gate, mereka semua berasak-asak hendak masuk melalui pintu pagar itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crowdvi 1. throng, berkerumun: hundreds of people ~ed to meet him, beratus-ratus orang berkerumun utk bertemu dengannya; 2. push forward in a mass, berpusu-pusu, berasak-asak: people were ~ing to board the bus, orang ramai berasak-asak utk menaiki bas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
squash 1 2. jam, squeeze, bersesak-sesak, berasak-asak: they all ~ed into one car, mereka semua bersesak-sesak ke dlm sebuah kereta;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pile 1 ~ in, a. (of people) crowd in, masuk /bersesak-sesak, berasak-asak: when the watchman opened the gates, the students ~d in, apabila pengawal itu membuka pintu pagar, pelajar-pelajar itu masuk bersesak-sesak; b. attack food heartily, menyerbu sst: as soon as the food was put on the table, we all ~d in, sebaik sahaja makanan dihidangkan di atas meja, kami menyerbunya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pushvt 1. apply force to, menolak; (button etc) menekan: they ~ed the boat into the water, mereka menolak perahu itu ke air; the police ~ed the crowd back, polis menolak orang ramai ke belakang; he ~ed the cork into the bottle, dia menekan gabus itu ke mulut botol; 2. thrust o’s way through, berasak-asak: I ~ed my way out of the crowd, saya berasak-asak keluar dr orang ramai; 3. (colloq) urge, encourage, mendorong: one needs to be ~ed sometimes, kadang-kadang seseorang perlu didorong;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pushvi 1. apply force to move st, menolak; (button etc) menekan: you ~ while I pull, and we’ll soon move it, kamu tolak sementara saya tarik, dan kita akan dapat mengalihnya; don’t ~ so hard, you might damage the lever, jangan tekan kuat-kuat, kamu mungkin merosakkan tuil itu; 2. move forward forcefully, berasak-asak: they ~ed past rudely, mereka berasak-asak lalu dgn kasar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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