Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

detachedadj 1. not joined to another, berasingan: a ~ bathroom, bilik air berasingan; ~ house, rumah /berasingan, sesebuah/; 2. unbiased, berkecuali, tdk /memihak, menyebelahi mana-mana pihak/: to maintain a ~ attitude towards the whole affair, mengambil sikap berkecuali thdp perkara itu; 3. aloof, bersikap menyendiri.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
apart7. individually, independently, berasingan: viewed ~, his arguments leave much to be desired, jika ditimbang berasingan, alasan-alasannya tdk memuaskan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
independentadj 1. self-governing, merdeka: Malaya became ~ in 1957, Malaya merdeka pd tahun 1957; 2. not associated (with each other) berasingan: the two ~ studies came to almost the same conclusion, kedua-dua kajian yg berasingan itu mencapai kesimpulan yg hampir sama; ~ research projects, projek penyelidikan yg berasingan; 3. done, conducted or given fairly and without bias, bebas: an ~ investigation, siasatan bebas; to get an ~ opinion, mendapatkan buah fikiran yg bebas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
discreteadj berasingan; (tech) diskret: ~ particles, zarah diskret.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
confinementn 1. state of being shut up, pengurungan: solitary ~, pengurungan berasingan; 2. childbirth, (waktu) bersalin: she had a difficult ~, dia menghadapi kesukaran sewaktu bersalin.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
evidencen 1. st that gives proof or reason to believe st, bukti: there is no archaelogical ~ for the existence of a separate culture, tdk terdapat bukti arkeologi bahawa kebudayaan yg berasingan wujud;everywhere we went, we saw ~ that the country was undergoing rapid change, ke mana-mana sahaja kami pergi, kami melihat bukti bahawa negara itu sedang mengalami perubahan yg pesat; 2. (tech) keterangan: he was convicted on strong circumstantial ~, dia disabitkan atas keterangan ikut keadaan yg kuat; the accused will give ~ today, yg tertuduh akan memberikan keterangan hari ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
executiveadj & n eksekutif: ~ powers, kuasa eksekutif; a business ~, eksekutif perniagaan; in some countries the ~ branch of the government is quite separate from the administrative and judicial branches, di sesetengah negara, cabang eksekutif kerajaan adalah berasingan drpd cabang pentadbiran dan kehakiman.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
appurtenantadj 1. accessory, relating to, berkaitan: the farmhouse with its ~ barns and stores was sold as a separate lot, rumah ladang itu berserta dgn rumah bangsal dan stor yg berkaitan dengannya telah dijual sbg lot yg berasingan; tools ~ to the trade, alat-alat yg berkaitan dgn pertukangan; 2. (leg.) kepunyaan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
individuallyadv 1. separately, a. (rel to person) secara perseorangan; (one by one) seorang demi seorang: participants are allowed to work either ~ or in groups, para peserta dibenarkan bekerja secara perseorangan atau dlm kumpulan; she greeted them all ~, dia menegur mereka seorang demi seorang; b. (rel to thing) secara berasingan: the gifts were ~ wrapped, hadiah-hadiah itu dibungkus secara berasingan; 2. in individual way, tersendiri: she dresses ~, dia memakai pakaian yg tersendiri.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
individualadj 1. of, rel to, single person, individu: ~ rights, hak-hak individu; ~ liberty, kebebasan individu; ~ possessions, milik individu; 2. characteristic of single person, distinctive, tersendiri: ~ traits, ciri tersendiri; 3. considered separately from others, setiap: each ~ part is wrapped in foil, setiap bahagian dibungkus dlm kerajang; you will have to examine each ~ animal, tuan mestilah memeriksa setiap binatang; 4. separate, berasingan: the food was packed in ~ boxes, makanan itu dimasukkan ke dlm kotak-kotak yg berasingan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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