grudging | adj unwilling, dgn begitu berat (hati): a ~ admission, pengakuan yg dibuat dgn begitu berat hati; be ~ of /praise, thanks, etc/, /sukar, susah benar/ /memberi pujian, berterima kasih, dll/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grudge | I had to pay $60.00 for his taxi fare and I ~d him every penny of it, saya terpaksa membayar tambang teksinya sebanyak $60.00 dan saya tdk merelakannya walau satu sen pun; he ~d them everything that he was obliged to do for them, dia tdk merelakan segala apa yg telah dilakukannya utk mereka; c. feel very reluctant about, berasa berat hati: he ~d paying for our expenses, dia berasa berat hati membayar perbelanjaan kami; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grace | fall from ~, a. fall out of favour, tdk disukai lagi: he fell from ~ and soon resigned his post as Permanent Secretary, dia tdk disukai lagi dan tdk lama kemudian meletakkan jawatannya sbg Setiausaha Tetap; b. fall back into bad old ways of behaving, berbalik kpd perangai lama; have the ~, ada budi bahasa: at least he had the ~ to apologize for being late, sekurang-kurangnya dia ada budi bahasa dan meminta maaf krn terlewat; be in so’s good ~s, disukai (oleh) sso: he was certainly not in his teacher’s good ~s, dia memang tdk disukai gurunya; with (a) /good, bad/ ~, dgn /rela hati, berat hati/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heavy | 11. hard to do or bear, berat: ~ punishment, hukuman yg berat; ~ taxes, cukai yg berat; ~ responsibility, tanggungjawab yg berat; ~ work, kerja berat; 12. sad, sedih: with a ~ heart, dgn hati yg sedih; 13. serious, (of book, article) berat: this book is ~ reading, buku ini bahan bacaan berat; 14. (of build ) besar; 15. (of food etc) mengenyangkan; 16. (of bread, cake) bantat; 17. (of soil) mampat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heart | b. be greatly frightened, berasa kecut; have o’s ~ in the right place, baik hati: anyone with his ~ in the right place would have helped the poor child, orang yg baik hati sudah tentu akan menolong kanak-kanak yg malang itu; have st at ~, mengambil berat ttg sst: a good teacher always has her pupils’ welfare at ~, guru yg baik selalunya mengambil berat ttg kebajikan murid-muridnya; have the ~, sampai hati: I did not have the ~ to tell him the sad news, saya tdk sampai hati utk memberitahu dia berita sedih itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
care | n 1. trouble, anxiety, kerunsingan: a life full of ~, hidup yg penuh dgn kerunsingan; 2. responsibility, tanggungjawab: the ~s of state weighed heavily on him, tanggungjawab thdp negara begitu berat membebaninya; 3. concern, perhatian berat: the ~ with which she looked after her sick husband, perhatian berat yg diberikan kpd suaminya yg sakit; 4. attention, heed, ketelitian, teliti, berhati-hati, cermat: your work needs more ~, kerja kamu perlu dibuat dgn lebih teliti; 5. charge, supervision, jagaan: parental ~, jagaan ibu bapa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heaviness | n 1. weightiness, beratnya: the ~ of the package made us curious, beratnya bungkusan itu membuat kami ingin tahu apa isinya; 2. state of being weighted, burdened, berat: a feeling of ~ in the head, rasa berat kepala; 3. ponderousness, slowness, lembap, lambat; 4. sadness, kesedihan: ~ of heart, kesedihan hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |