bone idle, bone lazy | adj berat tulang, berat tangan, berat siku, berat kaki. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
affair | n 1. concern, urusan, hal: that is my ~, itu urusanku; 2. (in pl) a. ordinary business, urusan: don’t meddle in his ~s, jangan campur tangan dlm urusannya; b. commercial, professional business, urusan: the bank takes an interest in his ~s, bank itu mengambil berat thdp urusannya; c. public matters, hal-ehwal: world ~s, hal-ehwal dunia; current ~s, hal-ehwal semasa; ~s of state, hal-ehwal negara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
touch | lose o’s ~, [various translations]: he used to be a great advocate but as he gets older he loses his ~, dulu dia seorang peguam bela yg handal tetapi apabila semakin tua dia hilang taringnya; I used to make light and fluffy sponge cakes, but this one is a real disaster. I must be losing my ~, selalunya saya boleh membuat kek span yg lembut dan ringan, tetapi yg ini memang teruk. Agaknya tangan saya sudah berat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | 4. often ~ st back, keep back flow of, membendung, menahan: the dam could not ~ the water, empangan itu tdk dapat membendung air; she could not ~ back her tears, dia tdk dapat menahan air matanya; policemen linked arms to ~ back the crowd, polis merangkaikan tangan utk membendung orang ramai; 5. support, sustain, menampung: the wall could not ~ the weight of the roof, tembok itu tdk dapat menampung berat bumbung itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |