befriend | vt berbaik-baik dgn: he ~ed the old man, dia berbaik-baik dgn orang tua itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chummy | adj (colloq) berbaik-baik: he’s very ~ with the boss, dia berbaik-baik sungguh dgn ketua kami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fraternize, fraternise | vi berbaik-baik: the soldiers have been forbidden to ~ with the people, askar-askar itu telah dilarang berbaik-baik dgn orang ramai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
keep | ~ in with so., sentiasa berbaik-baik dgn sso: he was eager to ~ in with the boss, dia berhasrat benar utk sentiasa berbaik-baik dgn ketuanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hatchet | n kapak kecil; bury the ~, berdamai, berbaik-baik semula. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amity | n persahabatan: for the two rivals ~ quickly changed to enmity, bagi kedua-dua saingan itu persahabatan dgn cepat bertukar menjadi permusuhan; tariff agreements promoted ~ between the two countries, persetujuan tarif menggalakkan persahabatan antara kedua-dua negara itu; treaty of ~, persetiaan persahabatan; in ~, secara /bersahabat, berbaik-baik/: to part in ~, berpisah secara bersahabat; in ~ with, /bersahabat, berbaik-baik/ dgn: he resolved to live in ~ with his neighbours, dia berazam utk hidup berbaik-baik dgn jiran-jirannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cold shoulder | n; get the ~, sso bersikap dingin thdp sso: I tried to be friendly but I kept getting the ~ from my colleagues, saya mencuba utk berbaik-baik tetapi rakan sekerja saya terus bersikap dingin thdp saya; give so. the ~, bersikap dingin thdp sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fence | n 1. wall-like structure, pagar: wire ~, pagar dawai; come down on one side of the ~, menyokong sebelah pihak; come down on the right side of the ~, berpihak kpd yg menang; mend o’s ~s, berdamai, berbaik-baik semula; /sit, be / on the ~, berkecuali, tdk /berpihak, memihak/ ke mana-mana; 2. (sl) receiver of stolen goods, tukang tadah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cultivate | he only ~s the friendship of those who will be of use to him, dia hanya memupuk persahabatan dgn orang-orang yg akan mendatangkan manfaat kepadanya; to ~ a sense of responsibility, memupuk rasa tanggungjawab; reading will ~ your mind, membaca dapat membina fikiran; he has ~d a French accent, dia telah memperoleh telor Perancis; 5. (often showing disapproval) try hard to develop friendship with (so.) mencuba berbaik-baik dgn [sso]; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heal | vi usu ~ up, ~ over, 1. sembuh, baik; (of broken bone) bertaut semula: the wound soon ~ed up, tdk lama luka itu pun sembuh; 2. (fig.) pulih: the rift between them ~ed over and they are now quite friendly, perhubungan yg retak antara mereka sudah pulih dan mereka sekarang berbaik semula; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |