flattered | adj berbesar hati, berbangga: I feel ~ that he bought my painting, saya berbesar hati krn dia membeli lukisan saya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glory | vi; ~ in, a. take pleasure in, seronok dgn: she gloried in her new-found independence, dia seronok dgn kebebasan yg baru diperolehnya; b. (derog) have too much pride in, terlalu /bermegah, berbangga/: ~ing in past achievement can have adverse effects, terlalu bermegah dgn pencapaian masa lalu mungkin mengakibatkan kesan yg buruk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
antecedent | n 1. st that precedes, approp n + sebelum: ~s of the war, peristiwa-peristiwa sebelum perang itu; the Model T was an ~ of the modern car, Model T adalah kereta yg direka sebelum kereta moden; 2. (ling) anteseden; 3. (in pl) a. ancestry, keturunan: to be proud of o’s ~s, berbangga dgn keturunan sso; b. past history (of person) sejarah hidup: little is known about his ~s, tdk banyak yg diketahui ttg sejarah hidupnya; 4. (math) antejadian, anteseden. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |