circumlocution | n the use of many words to express an idea, bahasa yg berbelit-belit: he indulges in ~ in most of his writings, dia menggunakan bahasa yg berbelit-belit dlm kebanyakan tulisannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
convoluted | adj 1. berlingkar: a ~ ram’s horn, tanduk biri-biri jantan yg berlingkar; 2. (fig.) berbelit-belit: ~ arguments, hujah yg berbelit-belit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
convolution | n 1. perlingkaran: the ~s of the brain, perlingkaran otak; 2. (fig.) berbelit-belit: I cannot follow the ~s of his reasoning, saya tdk dapat mengikut taakulannya yg berbelit-belit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
circuitous | adj 1. berpusing-pusing: they took a ~ route to avoid the traffic, mereka mengambil jalan yg berpusing-pusing utk mengelak drpd lalu lintas; 2. (fig.) berbelit-belit, berpusing-pusing: ~ in speech, bercakap berbelit-belit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bush | beat (about, around) the ~, bercakap berbelit-belit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beat | ~ /about, around/ the bush, bercakap berbelit-belit; ~ a path (through st) merintis jalan (meredah sst); ~ a retreat, run away, berlari tergopoh-gopoh: when they saw the headmaster they ~ a hasty retreat, apabila ternampak saja guru besar, mereka berlari tergopoh-gopoh; ~ it, (sl) pergi; ~ o’s brains (out) /memeras, memerah/ otak; ~ o’s breast, /menebah, menampar-nampar, memukul-mukul/ dada; ~ so. hollow, mengalahkan sso dgn teruk; ~ so’s brains out, (sl) memukul sso sehingga pecah kepala; ~ time, mengikut /rentak, irama/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gobbledygook | n (colloq & derog) bahasa yg berbelit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
devious | adj 1. sly, deceitful, licik: she could not trust this ~ fellow, dia tdk dapat mempercayai lelaki yg licik itu; by ~ means, dgn cara yg licik; 2. roundabout, not direct, a. (of route) berbelit-belit: he reached the house by a ~ route, dia sampai ke rumah itu dgn mengikut jalan yg berbelit-belit; b. (of argument, explanation, etc) berbelit-belit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
coil | vi 1. wind in loops, a. (of stair, smoke) melingkar: a spiral stair ~ed up to the second floor, tangga pilin melingkar ke tingkat dua; b. (of snake) berlingkar, berbelit; (of cat) melingkar: the snake ~ed round the tree, ular itu berlingkar pd pokok; 2. move in a winding course, mengalir berliku-liku:the river ~s through the wide plain, sungai itu mengalir berliku-liku melalui dataran yg luas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
circle | a ~ of /people, animals, things/ around /so., st/, /orang-orang, binatang, benda/ di sekeliling /sso, sst/; argue in ~s, berhujah berbalik-balik; come full ~, pulang ke asal; go round in ~s, a. move about confusedly, berpusing-pusing: the tourist went round in ~s trying to find their hotel, pelancong itu berpusing-pusing mencuba mencari hotelnya; b. use long complicated method, bercakap berbelit-belit: he always goes round in ~s when he tries to explain something, dia selalu bercakap berbelit-belit apabila dia mencuba menghuraikan sesuatu; c. go over the same ideas, berbalik-balik: they kept going round in ~s trying to decide what to do next, mereka berbalik-balik semasa mencuba menentukan apa yg harus dibuat selepas itu; /sit, stand, etc/ in ~ around /so., st/, /duduk, berdiri, dll/ /mengelilingi, di keliling/ /sso, sst/; vicious ~, a chain of cause and effect, lingkaran /ganas, syaitan/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |